"WEEKEND STAR" FRIDAY, AUGUST 24, 2001 - 21 "FIVE DOORS UNLIMITED FUN don aL IN sTOC bP PURE rr: ASE : - : > IRCHE = NIN 3 = | Th NGIN : : ul YI /-- BITTY $500 $750 FHEWILYWED LEE ZV oN 9 7 "1505 Dundas Street East, Just West of Thickson ¢ (905) 668- 5100 Eh a aT Thun Bato MSP tums $19.90, 9091 Sonat OL 480 funy U0. Fg sod DE So Act, Ba, Bio cui fr Seuss, Tout Te forks inchise found sollte i of Acomd $Boutes snd ' ESTO WO ET 3000 GM £3 XT¥