I Re RTA SPE grr i = Sra 4 ELE FA RR Oe Na Ar WI 6 - "WEEKEND STAR" FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2001 E-MAIL: editorial@portperrystar.com advertising@portperrystar.com PUBLISHER, GEN. MGR. ...... Don Macleod my BUSINESS OFFICE: Judy Ashby, SENIOR REPORTER NO --_-- Shia A ocha W "EE KEND ST A 24 Qpanker Kathy Dudley, Janet Rankin, Lesley West ADVERTISING MANAGER ... .Deb McEachem htt ha a --_ Comin Ww CNA ADVERTISING: Ginni Todd, Cindy Jobin, REPORTER................ .........Rk Davie Member Ontario Community == -- Aqwspapel Gail Morse, Linda Clarke, Janet Archer, Freelance : Heather McCrae, John B. McClelland Newspaper Assoc. Lisa Monk, Lori Bradbury PO os ayia Published every Friday by the Port Perry Star Company Limited, 188 Mary Street - Port Perry, Ontario - LOL 1B7 PRODUCTION MANAGER: Pamela Hickey Distributed free in the following communities: Port Perry - Uxbridge - Sunderland - Little Britain - RR Lindsay Janetville Oakwood - Manilla - Seagrave - Greenbank - Brooklin - Ashburn - Columbus - RR Oshawa Zephyr - Udora - Leaskdale - Sandford - Caesarea - Blackstock - Raglan - Nestleton - Yelverton - Prince Albert EDITORIAL POLICY: Opinions expressed by colurnnists, contributors and letter writers are not necessarily those of The Port Perry Sta. Letters must be signed and the telephona number (which will not be published) included. Requests that a name ba withheld wil ba honoured only if there is a compoling reason 10 do 80. Errors will ba corrected if brought to the editor's attention. We reserve the right to edit or refuse publication of any material submitted. ADVERTISING POLICY: The publisher is not liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. The publisher is not liable for other errors or omissions in connection with any advertisement in any subsequent issue of the refund of any monies paid for the advertisement. All claims of error in publication must be made by Wednesday, noon, prior to the next week's publication, and, if not made, wil not ba considered. No claim will be allowed for mor than one insertion. Production Staff: Trudy Empringham, Daryle Wright, Arlene Cheel OPINION Sometimes the truth is scary In journalism, timing is everything. Recently, Durham MP Alex Shepherd slammed some sections of the media as "old media cronies trying to pass themselves off as journalists" in regards to what he said are reports that are inflaming and just generally scaring the heck out of the public over threats and perceived threats of pos- sible terrorist attacks in Canada. Mr. Shepherd noted in his weekly column -- which can be found on Page 7 of today's Star -- that the media should, "stick to the news, not the trivial stories." Enter Mr. Gwynne Dyer, one of the leading authorities on international terrorism, the Middle East and military affairs in general, and a journalist of prestigious stature on the world scene who just happens to be a Canadian and a reporter. : Mr. Dyer have local high school students a rare crash course on the Sept. I'l terrorist attacks, the reasons behind them and his predictions on the eventuality of a ground war involving Canadian troops in Afghanistan. In it were some speculations Mr. Shepherd would find alarming. Mixed in with an enlightening talk that kept the students' full attention and left them asking questions of Mr. Dyer for some time afterward was a warning. Mr. Dyer said, based on more than 20 year of observation in related areas, that the deeper Canada's involvement in Afghanistan became 'the more likely the threat of a terrorist attack aimed at this country would become. A sobering message for high school kids in Port Perry to be sure... but one that was laid out with research and conclusions based on years of observing the that volatile part of the world. Granted the media is grasping for items to give this horrific piece of history "some legs", but keep in mind that the media warned of the rise of Hitler long before it came to pass, and the media predicted many of the. very things terrorists are now inflicting on the world. The reporter, as Mr. Dyer said in his speech to the students, must tell the whole story with half the facts. That is scary at any time. THERE'S THAT PESKY FLY JAGAN! OKAY, THIS TIME. {HE'S GOING DOWN. JUST [GRAB A NEARBY WEAPON, 3 a © cam C~ AND. ve TO MY NEW SPORTS ILLUSTRATED? WHAT ON EARTH HAPPENED Cathy Brauer sent.in this seasonal photo of her family and friends enjoying the fine fall weather. We're looking for more good photos for this space, so if you have an interesting picture we could use for Photo of the Week, please drop it by The Star office, or give us a call at 985-7383. LETTERS Much needed answers for the Millennium Shoreline project To the Editor: I wish to respond to the article on the new Scugog shoreline Ecology Park that will extend from the edge of Palmer Park along Lake Scugog and across the causeway. Let me first begin by saying that | was delighted by the coverage extended to this project by the article in the Weekend Star. After reading the article, however, it became clear that though the Millennium Committee has had several public meetings over the past few years, initially to explore the concept of the park, later to share with the public the fruit of the public consultation' and lastly to share the final design, it is apparent that not everyone availed them- selves of the opportunity to express their hopes or their reservations by attending the meetings. It is my hope that this letter will help to clear away any misconceptions there may be. I would like to begin by introducing the other members of the Scugog Shores Millennium Committee. Ken Carruthers, your regional counselor and member of the township council is head of legal and inter- government liaison. Ken Oldfield, president of Canadian Banking Consultants Ltd. is the treasurer and chair of the finance committee. Barbara Karthein is a landscape designer and naturalization planner who chairs the design and communication committee. Bill Lishman, the executive director of Operation Migration, artist and award winning sculptor, is on the design .and communication com- mittee. Jamie Ross, president of Canvasback Ltd., a chemical reclamation company, and former director of Ducks Unlimited, oversees the project's construction. The committee was made aware of the concerns of snowmobilers by the organized area clubs that attended the public consul- tations. Therefore, a snowmobile access ramp has been provided in the design, the construction of which coincidentally begins this week. There will be another snowmobile access point at Highway 7A in a future phase of the park's construction. Your committee 'recognizes that human recreation is a vital component in the creation of the Ecology Park. Concerns have been raised that the park will eliminate baseball along Water Street in the Joe Fowler Park. Let me categorically Turn to Page 16