G -- PORT PERRY STAR - Thursday, Sept. 3, 1970 Seagrave Aug. Sist -- The holiday|/keep on , They. took season is almost over but a few people are still stirring around. Bill Barr's carefree?' days came to an end on Fridy when his wife returned from her visit in B.C The McNeil relatives from USA. and Bermuda are heading homeward to-morrow (Tues.). Mr. and Mrs. W. Keen and Brian accompanied by Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Wright of Can- nington" spent Tuesday in Bolton with the Adam Wal lace relatives. off on Saturday for a week end with their sister at her cottage near Stirling. A "corn" affair at Chath- am was a good enough ex- euse for the Don Hunters and the Belairs to go off on Sun day for a few days. Mr: and Mrs, Geo. Bell of Toronto were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Scott. Mr. Bell, formerly Parks Commissioner in Toronto, is one of Roy's World War 1 buddies. The Scotts are ex- pecting other old soldier friends in the next week or Mr. and Mrs, T. A. Vennerj 50. WM. TAMBLYN Orono, Ontario Secretary: Mrs Newcastle, Ontario JOHN RICKARD ews Mr. and Mrs. Carl Boe and son David of Kingston spent the week-end with Mrs. Reta Boe. Carl's other son Brian is attending a music school in Parry Sound for 10 days. Another citizen has picked up and left us. Mrs. Stinson returned last week to live at her former home near Black- stock. Mr. Doug Hamilton of Can- nington made the acquaint ance of many of his new rela- tives when he attended a re- ception for him and his wife Betty at the Ken Short home on Sunday. There were csvout 40 present and they presented the newly - weds witn an electric kettle and a mirror. Church services will be re- sumed next Sunday at the usual hours. Someone will be on hand to conduct the morning service. Who? Mrs. Abernathy of Green- bank has consented to speak towhe adult class at 11, so be there. The U.C.Wy bake sale has been cancelled again. This summer has seen the least church and community acti- vity in years, yet we pMsoan the fact that Seagrave is be- coming "so impersonal". AE Johnson OPTOMETRIST 229 MARY STREET UticaNews| Service will be held in Ep-)mother Mrs. R. W. Thompson ; som United Church on Sun-[of Brooklin on Friday. day, September 6th at 11:30 am, Utica Sunday School will re-open on Sunday, Sept- ember 13, at 10 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ballard and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hill spent Thursday at Mr. Harry Watson's cottage at Lake Chemong. Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Cal- der and Mr. and Mrs. Alex McLeod and Nancy of Kin- tore were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crosier. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Cowper of Sarnia, Mrs. Baker and Miss Jean Baker of Sunder- land, Mrs. Charles Geer and Mrs. Allan Card called on Mrs. Violet Skerratt lat week. We are glad that Rev. L L. Saunders and Mr. Harold Aird have returned home after a stay in Port Perry Community Hospital. Mrs. Ron Jackson and Nicole and Mrs. Chester Hol- ley of Owen Sound visited Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn MacCannell and Mr. MacDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Olisen Mc- Cosh of Ajax visited recent- ly at the MacCannell home. Visitors over the week-erd with Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn MacCannel] were Mr. Barry McLean and friend, Miss Dianne Rayburn of Hornings Mills, Mr. Brianne MacCan- nell of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas MacCannell of Peterborough. Miss Jewel Dawn MacCan- nell is visiting in Peterbor- ough with Mr. and Mrs. Doug MacCannell for a few days. We hope that Miss Kathy Goslin, who has been a recent patient in Uxbridge Cottage Hospital is feeling fine again. Mr. and Mrs. Don Sooley and , children of Richmond visited Mr. and Mrs. Jim Phi'ip and Barry last week. On Sunday evening Utica Farm Machinery entertained their employees and their fa- milies at a turkey dinner at Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Kerry's home. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Philip & Barry were guests. Mr. and Mrs. G. Hawes & Mr. Mowat of Whitby and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Albert of Waterloo were recent visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs. Larry Kendall. The First Scugog Cubs held a camp at Mr. Frank Kendall's pond from Friday until Sunday. / Sas Mrs. Richard Alien Grover the former Susan Lee Mac- Neill, was married on Sat- urday, August 29th at St. Thomas Episcopal Church, Rochester, New York. Her father, Or. D.R. MacNeill, lives at R.R. 4, Port Perry. WES LANE PLUMBING - HEATING - - ELECTRIC - PORT PERRY 985 - 2473 OFFICE -- RESIDENCE ' SCHOOL BUS ROUTE All Bus routes of the Onterio County Board of Educe- tion in Reach, Scugog & East Whitby Townships that serve the Reach & Port Perry Schools will operete as per last year's schedule effective Sept. 8th, 1970. W. H. GILFILLAN, Transportation Manager Box 160, Brooklin, Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Walt Mitchell of Kinsale visited Mr. and Mrs. James E. Mitchell on Sunday A speedy recovery is wish- ed for Mrs. K. Wyatt who has been a patient in Port Perry Community Hospital recent: ly - ie Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Thompson spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Baker of Woodburn and Mr and Mrs. Ronald Yent of Canfield and called on Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thompson of Markham on Sunday fr Why Pay More? SAVE ON PREMIUM QUALITY GAS A new DX Station TO SERVE YOU AT BERT |E . corumBus - Phone 655- The Thompsons visited his 985 - 7373