You Pay For It! mass xray survey] is quite apparent. While the gee wm full swing offers [ree aeays to every Pen @atario County. If you sbould | @ies the clinic im your area, Ge sure to attend one of the @thers. The daies and toca tems of the various locations) af clinics appears eisewhere im this newspaper In these days of rising egets and high payments for every possible service, i is eatural for some feaders to ek "How come it's free?" The answer is that you, the residents of the community, have paid in advance for this campaign to make Ontario County a healthier place in| which to live. You have made this survey possibile 'through your gen- @ous purchases of Christmas @eals and through your pay ment of taxes. Punds from the sale of the Ctrisimas Seals are the sole @upport of the sponsor of the! eonducts a year-round pro- @amme of tuberculosis pre vention, respiratory disease @eatrol, rehabilitation and bealth education. The Asso- @ation is contributing its kmowledge and experience, as well as funds, towards the success of the County| wide campaign to find un-| kmown cases of tuberculosis! and check the spread of this e@ustly disease Other finances for the pro-} @amme are contributed by the Ontario Department of Health, which of course, you support through your tax) payments. ; The need for this survey 3 SHOWS OMLY Mi OF PEAPORMANC! 10:30 A.M 2:30 Pm death cate from tubercul has dropped dramatically, the number of new active cases im Canada increased, You paid for these tests in advance, it takes only a few moments to get one. You would not forget to collect the dividends on a financial investment. You have the right to know for sure that your lungs are healthy The minority in whom the stay ll uncover tuberculo- as will be in a sense, reap ing the highest dividends of all. Por it will mean that they will be able to get right to work toward regaining complete health before the disease has gone too far Every citizen owes it to himself and his community to take full advantage of this opportunity. We paid for it Let's collect! Fairview Lodge An elevator and acoustics improvements at Fairview Lodge with a total cost of $88,500 has received county council approval Tenders will be called for installation of the elevator near the west end of the lodge at a cost of $83,000, 50 per cent of which is cov- ered by government grants. The county voted to spend $5,500 to install acoustic tile and carpeting in the auditor- jum because the hard non- absorbent plaster surfaces cre- ated an "undesirable echo chamber effect." = PORT PERRY STAR -- W. , Apel 28, 1971 ~ A group of legionaires from the Port Perry Branch attended the official opening of the extension to the Uxbridge Legion Hall, Saturday. Seated with them is third vice president Dayid Capperauld of the Provincial Command (at left) who cut the ribbon and declared the extension open, Next to him is John Barton, Mike Hiozan, John Maw and Jim Norton. Several hundred visited the branch during the day and evening. DEPARTMENT STORE CENTENNIAL T-SHIRTS JUNIOR -- SML ADULT -- S-M-L-XL Shirt Tale @ Astronautical Sensationalistes Suspence-Filled Aerial Acrobats @ HERD OF ELEPHANTS: FeATURING TOMS OF PACHYDERMS, @LORD OF THE LIONS: AND His SAVAGE MILLERS OF THE JUNGLE @AN ARMY OF CLOWNS: -- AND OVER 100 FEATURES... TICKETS NOW ON SALE AT GSMAWA: Guide Realty, Uniroyel Centres, Be Peep Resteurcnt. WHITBY: Attersicy Twe Service. BROOKLIMN: Browns Foodmester PORT PERRY: Mersee Se--$! 00 Store, Or. A. C. A Sethi. And Any Serer, Blouses s5.00-36.00 37.00 KAYSER HOSIERY 1.29-1.50-2.59 Panty Hose 1.50- 2.29. 2.50 GIRLS DRESSES "%¥ 35.50 $7.50 39.95 "PANTY SOCKS 31.00 Ladies Pant Suits SIZES ~ 16*- 18° - 20% Girls Pant Suits $7.95 -39.95- 9-1 and 13-15 22.95 - 24.95 310.95