Pau POST OFFICE PAYS TRIBUTE The Canada Post Office says tribute to one of this ountry's most remarkable loneer artists, Paul Kane, with the issue on 11 August of a seven cent commemora- tive stamp marking the 100th anniversary of the artist's 700 At Twilight Meeting Held On Sunderland Farm A Twilight Meeting, joint- ly sponsored by the Ontario County Holstein Club and the Ontario County Milk Com- mittee, was held on Tuesday, July 20th, at 7:00 p.m., on the farm of Mr. and Mrs. Joe McGriskin and Family, RR. #4, Sunderland. Around 700 people took part in the pro- gram. Mr. Joe McGriskin spoke on behalf of the McGriskin Family. He thanked all who had helped to prepare for the evening, and welcomed the group to the McGriskin farm. Miss Mary Jane Crosier, Ontario County Dairy Prin- cess, addressed the meeting, and introduced the contest- ants taking part in the 1971 Seagrave Continued Janice Dowsen of Port Perry had supper with Mrs. Boe on Wednesday. Mrs. J. MacTaggart is spending some time with her sister and sisterinlaw in Oshawa. Last week Mr. and Mrs, Keen and Brian spent a few days in Bolton with Mr. and cows were judged by those present. The prize winners in the judging competition were announced by Ivan Bell, Agricultural Representative, and prizes were presented to the winners by committee mmbers Mr. W. G. Reid and Mr. Ron Werry. Prize win- ners are as follows: Ladies: Mrs. Adam Wallace. This week they are entertaining their aunt Mrs. Cora Moase of Toronto. The Nodwells are another | family who are away north | for a holiday. There was nothing very/| newsworthy about Sunday's | services. Mr. Critch occupied | the pulpit. At S.S. no fewer | than 3 of the Watts family | produced birthday money -- Arlene, Teddy and Coleen Religious holidays are offi- cial now. There will be no services during August. ilst--Beth Batty 2nd--Isobel Raines $rd--Marie Parish Juniors: 1st--Gail Snoddon 2nd--Alex Leask 3rd--Jim Smith Ist--Grant Down 2nd--David Parish 3rd--Bob Powell Some very fine entertain- ment was provided by Mr. Cy | Leonard, Cofmedian and Ven- trilequist. The meeting was brought to a close with lunch. THE KAWARTHA SUMMER THEATRE presents "THE BAT™ by Mary Roberts Reinhart with Eleanor Beecroft, David Brown and Sandy Webster at the Academy Theatre In Lindsay TUES., WED. THURS. end SATURDAY Curtain time 8:30 p.m Admission adults $2.25 week nights, $2.50 Saturdays students $1.00 COUNTRY MUSIC AT THE ACADEMY EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT. for information phone (705) 324-9111 Students Pass Examinations ~ A few names were omitted from the Conservatory exam- inations passed by students of Mrs. Marie Taylor, printed J in last week's issue of the 4 Seas Those omitted are s printed below: GRADE lll HARMONY <= Canada7 Honors-- Mary Jane Hackner GRADE 0 RUDIMENTS { death. First Class Honors-- The 40 mm by 32 mm fea- Carol Aird - tures one of the vivid paint- Brenda Smith ings of North American In- Debbie Bolduc dians for which Kane was re- Shelley Williams nowned. The design is re- Paula Jeffrey produced from Kane's "In- Greg Freeman dian Encampment on Lake Gail Scott Huron" by courtesy of the Marie Hockley | Art Gallery of Ontario. Honors-- . ad : Cathy Gould | Marlyn Brows Honour Employee At Dinner Party aro nne ar s 6 8 An employee of tong and outstanding service to his company, Archie MacMaster was Successful students of Mrs.| honoured at e dinner party et Conway Gardens, Monday night. Almer Wallace (for the term) Mr. MacMaster employed by Beere Motors Lid. for 25 years, his wife Marion, the en are as follows tire staff and their respective wives were ali present et the testimonis! dinner where Mr _ PIANO McMaster wes presented with an inscribed wrist wetch and Mrs MacMaster with e bouc Grade IX-- vet of red roses Wm. Beare made the presentations on behelf of the management. Ontario County Dairy Prin-| Janice Stone, Honours Mr. Len Clark, who observed 25 years of employment with the same firm in Novem- cess Competition at the Osh-| Marie Rennie, Honours ber last year, received his wrist watch at ¢ gmilar function et thet time. He presented Mr. awa Fair on Friday, July 23.) Grade VII-- MacMaster with 2 pair of silver cuff links and Mrs. MacMaster with « silver pin on behalf Others, who spoke briefly,| Karen Harder of the staff. From left in picture, Len Clark, Mrs. Clark, Mrs. MacMaster and the honoured were Bob Fiett, National Di-| Grade VO-- guest Archie MacMaster > rector, Holstein-Friesian As-| Marlene Morrison, sociation of Canada, speaking Honours on behalf of the Ontario | Grade 1-- N O T / & E County Holstein Club, and Mary Clugston, Honours OSHAWA ) Paul Bryan, Chairman of the THEORY Business "Under the of the Waste Management Act Ontario County Milk Com-| Grade Il] History-- College --_-- mittee. Walter Beath, Chair-| Janice S and the Regulation, notice is given that it is intended . . : anice tome, to apply to the D t of B eR man, Special Events Com lst class Honours } ' Certificate of Approval for # waste mittee,,.Oshawa Fair, spoke| Marie Rennie, Sages Sr © half of Lot 17, Con- on the Dairy Princess Com- Ist class Honours disposal site bocated on the South 17, ws Commences petition to be held at the|Grade II] Harmony-- . cession 7, in the Township of -- ate Oshawa Fair on Friday even-| Marie Rennie, Honours TUESDAY SEPT. 7 Sgt JO ing, and extended a special | Grade 11 Rudiments-- | Five Complete Business Cierk-Treasurer invitation to everyone to at-| Jil] Stone, Ist class | Courses from which to Village of Port Perry. * tend this event. Honours choose: Chairman for the evening noes Re mag eckenes Abminictrafion was Mr. Gary Merrems, yes Chery! Snoddon, Honours Accounting : Sewers Now In Operation also acted as chairman of the | _ Saanpgvestie Twilight Meeting Planning Grade I & Il -- Carolyn i FINAL CONNECTION MAY NOW BE MADE TO | Robertson, Honours Clerk-Typist : | Comm. tee. Individual Inst ; Mod THE VILLAGE SEWAGE WORKS . Mr. Gerry Nelson, Holstein " Connection permits must be obtained at the Mumicipal | Fieldman, was in charge of Office before any connection is made to the sewage the judging competition. Two system excellent classes of Holstein CONNECTION PERMIT FEE -- $10.00 TRENCH PERMIT FEE -- $5.00 JOHN W. DOBLE, Clerk-Treasurer Village of Port Perry BEARE MOTORS LIMITED PORT PERRY -- 985-735! GET "RUPP™ ANY © D ALL WINTER LONG 1971 RUPP S23 : 6 EP. THE IDEAL FAMY 86§ A q 5 MACHINE Wes $795. e 1971 RUPP WT440 rs 32 EP. Twin--Wide Track TOP PERFORMANCE TOTAL LUXURY S$ u . .