if h J } Hl f I | [ f ) fs 3: "So You Would Like To |: ==: Go On An Excursion" |S -:." : at HL : ah lef E ef .e Peeks $ : vere Ht Oe | 4 : abel ii : f 4 rl | | z { | | i : rf ' | { : E Hi i ; 4 H ) i i f ' : ! : g if LF iff is : | f fe J 5 : | | i 1 : 2 FE 'th e z F i : ' i t tf ty I Re Fy a 1 | : Fig j £ A i y Fe H Fe $! | | } H : ' id Ff E ge Fe i 4 i i : Hy : H i rf i Hl T it f i i : é } ; ] Ss : | E f i f } up™ exactly on time also. choco- | Well we were off. I will say | ide |iedge im our department of through | that the long drive down was LAWN BOWLING NEWS th. Grencic wa qiing i zits i 2 F P i | ~h= week of July 26 was; termoon. The local teams if F : : : F i : : g E . ; E " : J : : i | Hi | thing we saw was the Floral | after game two but after supper something that would be| Clock. It was just beautiful, |°" Monday and pe , ne a bees all curious as to how | 14 rainmaker took Over and| The winners of the cup| the disease affects at seast! Mr. Pilkey end ihe thinks the greens were unplayable. | Were #5 usual from Oshewa.| ene per cent of the muskel-/ : Mr i After this we had enough | generating station. The mu- phy day here and competition| seventeen local bowlers had | ***** © if it can be trams)... money for our excursion. | seum contained all of the old |¥** V°TY keen during the af-| 2 most happy afternoon | ferred to humans coming in! Boy we really appreciated the | electrical appliances andsteam trip because we knew we had | engines. The generating ste- earned it on our own. I | tion contributes substantially don't think we would appre-|to the peak electrical out- @ ciate it if we didn't earn the put of Beck plant, No. 2. Dur- money on our own. ing off peak hours, water is pumped into a man-made reservoir covering a 750 acre area. With pumps reversed and acting as turbo-gtnerators, the water is released at peak periods to produce more elec- tricity. All six units were in peer poy < SSS 555 DEPARTMENT STORE ~ >>> 555555 ican side of the Niagara Gorge, there are twenty-three outlets of polluffon from which raw sewage is dumped into the lower Niagara River. We then went for our lunch and it just poured rain. After lunch, we went to two museums. The first one was Madame Tussauds. We didnt really think that this was very scary, but the Chamber of Horrors was really scary. Then we went to the Ripleys. TENDER AND TRIMMED FRESH LEGS and BREASTS CHICKEN =» 9% SIDE BACON =. 5]: DINNER HAM = 99° Cooked Ham - $1.09 WEINERS 2:79 HUSH PUPPIES | 9 31095 |s7.95 =--" KODIAK BOOTS HUSH MEN'S HIGH CUT -- STEEL TOES PUPPIES oxronns $2295 $12.95 work oxfords 12.92 MIDDLETON'S MEATS QUEEN ST. = PORT PERRY --- 985-2562 TN SS