G -- PORT PERRY STAR ~-- Wednesday, Aug. 4, 1971 Scugog News Barbera Brown 985-2755 | Peter Chappell at his cottage |Scarboro also Donna West Mr. and Mrs. Gary Cordray,| at Pine Point for the longivisited Peter Chappell on Winnipeg, Mr. Harry Cordray | week-end Sunday. of Brantford were guests of} Mr. Michael Mr. Allan Jones of Frenk- Brown of} =_-- ro SW. = - ' . ~ ; ay a | é > me : . o- Janice Williams - Regatta Queen Each year large crowds gather around the platform at Putsey Park for the judging of the year's Regatta Queen, and this year was no exception. From a field of eleven contestants the above four girls were chosen Queen and Princesses for 1971. Left to right, 3rd Princess Donna Fitzgerald, 19 of Toronto, 2nd Princess Debbie Swain, 15 of R. R. No. 2, Blackstock, 1971 Regatta Queen Janice Williams, 16 of Nestleton, Ist Princess Susan Camisso, 17 of Toronto. Photo by Peter Hvidsten Jr Burketon News (Too late for last week) | Mrs. K. Roblin is holiday-| Congratulations to Mr. and | ing in Picton district | Mrs. Stanley McCullough on| Mr. and Mrs. E. Fitegerald the arrival of a fine baby | sepnt the weekend in Deep | girl, all best wishes. | River calling in North Bay, Mr. and Mrs. C. McGerry,| Sudbury and Thunder Bay Oshawa spent the week-end Mr. and Mrs. Al Swain with Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Ste-| gave an engagement party phenson and family. | for their daughter Lynn who | Mrs. W. Bryan spent a few! ic to be married to Mr. John | days last week visiting Mrs.) Roth. They received many / a" M. Brown, Port Perry Mrs. T. Bailey has return- ed home after spending some time with Mrs. Fred Harding/ in Oshawa. | Mr. Howard Davey, Bow manville visited Tuesday with Mrs. R. Davey : THE KAWARTHA presents "THE LITTLE HUT" by Andre Rovssin with Sandy Webster, Diane Don Bilekely at the Academy Theatre tm Lindsay TUES., WED. THURS. end SATURDAY Curtain time 8:30 p.m Admission adults $2.25 week nights, $2.50 Saturdays | beautiful gifts. In attendanee | from this community were Dr. and Mrs. W. Beer, Mr. & Mrs. Ted Fitzgerald, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tabb. Mrs. Tabb entertained a lady friend from Toronto for 3 days last week SUMMER THEATRE Nylend, John Hamelin, | students $1.00 COUNTRY MUSIC AT THE ACADEMY EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT. for information phone (705) 324-0111 eleven girts competed for 1971 Regatta Queen. in the back row, far teft is 1970 Regatta Queen Alice Camisso, who very capably handled | and introduced the girts to the crowd attending the funct Mr. and Mrs. E. Prentice, Mr and Mrs. Al Brown, Mr. and Mrs. L Empringham & Brian and Mr. R. Brekke also their daughter Freda On Sunday Mr. and Mrs Jack Burnham and Mr Mrs. L. Empringham Brian visited with Mr |Mrs. Harvey Gibson of sam Lake Mr. and Mrs. Richard Chap | pell, Toronto are at their | cottage Pine Point, for this | month Theis guests on Sun | day were Mr. and Mrs. David | Chappel! of Stouffville, Ont Mr negie Beach has retired from the business world to become a full time Ryerson student | Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Thomp son and Donald have return ed from their extended trip to the West and the State of wWashingion on Sup day On the 25th of July Mr. & Mrs. Don Smith celebrated Bal Coast | their 39th Wedding Anniver sary. Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. "Sony" James and family of Oshawa visited on the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Smith at Pine Point. Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don Smith were Mr. & Mrs. R. Smith and sons Rich- | ard and Brian, also Mr. and | Mrs. Clayton Smith and son | Jimmy from their cottage on | Washburn Island |} Several people from here pewomas the annual races at | Caesarea on the week-end | Mr. Bill Prentice and Miss |Mel DuCharme of London were at home with Bill's par : Beauty was in abundance et Caesares on Seturdey es the honour of becoming BRE Bill Alexander of Car-} Mrs. Ferguson was out to) supper with ber daughter ents Mr and Mrs E. Prentice on the weekend Miss Shirley Oliver from Cresswell is visiting with Mr On Sundey Mr. and Mrs. A) Brown and girls, Mr. & Mrs R. Brown and family, Osh} ewe, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Woodrow and Gene, Mrs Maud Brown end Terry, also} Olive Cox and Jeck Healey, Port Perry, enjoyed 2 picnic | lunch at Caesarea in the Cart| wright Community Park : Mrs) M Vanstrien and] children are visiting with Mr and Mrs. Bonechanker of Ethol, Ont. for e few days Melody, Monita and Ryan Appleton have returned home after holidaying for 2 weeks in Orillia with Mrs. J. Pax pan Miss Terry Lamb of Valen itie visited for « few days with Mr. and Mrs. C. Parker' and family > Mrs Earl Reader Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Samelis and children have returned from « 2 wk. camping trip around the Ottawe area Mr. and Mrs. John Pearce thy and John Kane who had vice or Sunday Browr was in attendance and introduced by Rev. B. Pogue Mr. Brown is now living Port Perry as 2 retired mip ister anc has new been hired as our pari time minister He wil. be evailable for funerals conducted im the Scuges Manchester charge. He wil @o bospital and home visit ing and will agsist with per sonal problems apg@ extra church functions. jon Entries for the contest ere pictured above end ere geraid Louise Woodhouse. Jayne Gibson, Susan Camisso. Jeane Brocklehurst, Cheri Adems, Shelte Schofield end Debbie Swain The Rev. P. * -