ARTICLES FOR SALE -- LIVESTOCK FOR SALE REAL ESTATE -- WANTED -- CARS FOR SALE LOST -- FOUND -- ETC. Cash Rate -- Se. per word Ist week, 4c. extraconsecutive weeks for a minimum of $1.00 Ist week, 80c. for extra consecutive weeks. Must be paid week of insertion--if charged, and additional 25c. will be added. 50c. ADDITIONAL WILL BE CHARGED FOR USE OF A BOX NUMBER. NOTICES -- COMING EVENTS -- CARDS OF THANKS Se. a wotd with a maximum of 20 words $1.00 BIRTHS -- ENGAGEMENTS -- MARRIAGES -- DEA' Se. a word with a maximum of 20 words $1.00 IN MEMORIAMS -- $1.50 minimum for 4-line verse, 10¢. All Classified Ads must be in this office not later than -- 12 O'CLOCK NOON TUESDAY Send cash, stamps, or money orders and save money PHONE 985-7383 -- Clip this out for reference. McLEOD--Neil and Gayle are happy to announce the in Memoriam MENZIES--In loving mem- ory of my dear husband, Archie Menzies who passed away October 23rd, 1967. So many things have happened Since you were called away, Se many things to share with you, Hod you been left to stay. E\ cry day in some small way Memories of you come our way Though absent you are ever near missed, loved, always dear Lovingly remembered by vife Helen. children and | grandchildren. | Still DURHAM, Roy--In loving memory of a dear father and} grandfather, who passed| away October 2ist, 1970. Your presence is ever near us, Your love remains with us yet, ; You were the kind of a father Your lover ones would never forget. Dearly remembered by) the family Cards Of Thanks: APPRECIATION for arrival of their daughter, Mi- chelle Ann on October 3rd, 1971 at Port Perry. Hospital. Sepcial thanks are extended tion. O'CONNOR ---Hello 1971, my name is odd Andrew. And Dr. Cohoon said I arrived at Port Perry Hospital weie'. ing 9 Ibs, 8% oz. He said the stork brought me at 10:45 on Tuesday, Sept. 28th, but I think Daddy Ian & Mommy Gerri Lynn (mee Hvidsten) somehow knew about me be- fore the stork arrived. I'm a first grandchild for Mr. & Mrs. Peter O'Connor, Toronto a first grandson for Mr. and papel ign ay Uxbrid- 4 great n Mrs. Alice Todd of Neer Ontario. Oh Yeah, I've ~ a little baby girl cousin too, her name's Jannine. At Rest HARRIS, Charles Edgar-- At the Community Hospital, Port Perry on Friday, Oct. 15th, 1971, Charles E. Harris, beloved companion of Edith Andrews Sr. In his 79th Funeral service at the Joyce and George McLean) yer. would like to thank all the| Chapel of McDermott -Pana- friends and neighbours of| baker, Port Perry on Monday, Seugog Island who gave to-| Oct. 18th at 2 p.m. Inter- wards two splendid wedding | m™"t Pine Grove Cemetery. gifts. The gifts were a spaci. | ous buffet cabinet anda G.£.| PRADBURN, David Wes Floor Polisher. We give| ley Ray--Suddenly at his re- special thanks to the friends sidence. R.R. 2. Blackstock, who organized the gesture| on Wed, Oct. 13, 1971, Ray and selected our gifts Braburn, dearly loved hus ---- ----j| band of Helen Wotten, deer We wish to extend our| father of Mary (Mrs. A. Ast- heartfelt thanks and appre-| on) Toronto, Betty and Ron- ciation for the acts of kind- ness, beautiful floral offer- ings and donations to the ald. brother of Effel (Mrs. Wm. Forder) Earl of Cart. wright, Roy of Detroit and Heart Foundation, received| the late Fred Bradburn. In from neighbours, friends and| his 63rd year. Funeral ser- relatives during our bereave | vice at the Chapel of McDer- ment of our dear mother Mrs.| mott-Panabaker. Port Perry Alice Pearl Wregg. A spe-|on Sat., Oct. 16th, 130 p.m. cial thanks to the nurses «'| Interment Devitts Cemeter' Dr. J. O Ruddy General Hospital, Whitby, Drs. Ander- son, Richardson and Davies, Rev. J. M. Smith and Rev -- Preston Brown. NEW DATE Gerald, Carolyn West | o, lodge Church Parade and family. on centennial cal- a se SUNDAY, "Oct." 24th, on ® A \ Chock The Lalbel|siing st Prime Prt, ld Oe Your Paper 0 the' ined church for service at 10 o'clock a.m. \ } : Chureh, U to Dr. Price and Nurses for | Oetober their kindness and considera- | the pant sa tae } 83rd ANNIVERSARY Rev. G. Keith MeMillan, B B.D., D.D., will at Trinity United ne 88rd Anniversary. ministered at High Park, Tor- onto, Owen' Sound, Burling- ton, and is Streetsville. hile at Bur lington, in recognition of his devotion to the church, Dr. MeMillan received an honor- ary Doctorate of Divinity. CENTENNIAL HALLOWE'EN BALL Saturday, October 30th at Port Perry Legion Hall. Spon- sored by the Perry Lions Club. $5.00 per couple. Prizes for best costumes. HALLOWE'EN DANCE At Utica Hall, Saturday, Oct. 30th, 8 p.m. Music by Bob Spencer's Combo. Prizes for best costume. Refreshments $4.00 couple ANNIVERSARY of Nestleton Presbyterian Church at 11:00 am. Rev. Wm. Fairley, Minister of Fenelon Falls & . Glenarm will be guest speaker. Cele- brating 137 years of Presby- tery in Cartwright. @ PAPER DRIVE ¢@ MANCHESTER CUBS & SCOUTS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23 9:00 a.m. Please have papers tied and ready. -- Also-- @ APPLE DAY e OCTOBER 30th DANCE Saturday, Oct. 23rd. hg hE n, 'us y Leo Norman his Midnig*t Ramblers. Everyone wel- come. RUMMAGE SALE s by the Mothers at the Scout Hall AssOEIATED YOUTH mtly ath Guide |1F YOU Are | ; NOTICE DANZEY'S HOUSE OF FLOWERS wishes to invite Port Perry and surrounding area residents to visit thei- new flower shop, complete with candlelight room and gift display. Simcoe | Street N., one mile south of Ragian. Lost WOMEN'S large purse. wit» valuable eye , on Queen St., Thurs., Oct. 14th. Phone 985-2563. Reward. Miscellaneous RAISE Additional Funds the easy way for your churr* other organization--full d- tails, write Box #5 Port Perry Star. For Sale , | Fox minibikes, Canadian power trim. Sport ray (leav- ans) Fi & Aluminum boats, chain saws. plorer trailers. Yes we have ing for the WATKINS SINCE 1868 Watkins MV100 will has all the ingredients: ne- cessary to keep cattle-in top form the year For Reach, Scugog, Mariposa | = B. Standish 1-416-985- 1972 Models now Phone 985-7361 / Water St. Port Perry | CONTENTS from Model! home, chesterfield and mat-| ching chair, dining room suite, bedroom suite, desk, bookcase stereo & T.V., broadloom rug 9x 12, coffee and end tables, etc. etc. All items like new. Phone Osh- awa 728-3473 TF. Aeucetie SPECIAL 20 HP. -- $595.00 24 HP. -- $65000 28 H.P. -- $700.00 Also see our New ARCTIC CAT and JOHN DEERE SNOWMOBILES at Te UTICA FARM EQUIP. 2 miles West Manchester 985-3042 @ FOR S o NEW AND D VACUUM CLEANERS Domestic or Commercial Also -- to nearly _ For free demonstrations, estimates, pick-up and PHONE 988.7704 6--Nov.24 BOY'S WOOL Sport Jacket, , size 36. like new. $15.00. Phone 985-3100. ONE. WRINGER-TYPE Wash- ing machine, with timer and pump in good condition; One Girl's Camel Hair Coat with fur collar, size 10, worn only one season; One pair of Tap shoes with staccato tap on toe and plain tap on heel, | size 13% in.excellent condi- also Mac's $2.50 bus., les 99c, % bus., bax- bus., pick your own spies $1.50 for % bus. TenVee Orachards, Enniskil- len, north of 7 Conc. on |county road 57. PEDDLE CAR, Tricycle. Easy bake "oven, Hobby Horse, piano with stool, all these toys are in good condition. Also ski boots, size 6 new, Fair Isle knitting machine with instructions on how to work it. Phone 985-2722 after six. 1959 LAND ROVER. $800.00. Phone 985-3680. REGISTERED Hereford Bull, 15 months old. Woodville 439-2286. BRONZE Fireplace screen, and utensils, also bucket. Never used. Call 985-3174. OUR GREATEST SALE --Now on at-- Exquisite Fabric Shoppe, Cannington Extra large shipments of all brand new English Crimple- nes, 60" wide, machine wash, no iron, all at only $3.95 yd. Also Printeds, choose from delicate pastel florals or vib- rant, vivid patterns 60" wide, $5.95 yd. Heavy double-knit Jerseys in bright, gay multi- coloured stripes, wide, regular $5.95 So Our price $2.98 yd. We have organdy, Kasha Lining, pure wools, washable flanne) plaids, nets and laces, Draperies, Braids, Sequins, bou, Fringe, Trims and Bridal _ helpful, courteous serv- ice 6 days a week. 22--Oct.20