a v GENERAL INFOR.MATION AND INSTNUC'fIONS TO TELEPHONE USERS. IlOllr TO ir..S1\'ER. -.t TItr,DI,IIO.\trI CALl,._Eemove the hand telephone fronl the hooh and eiive your own nulnber, as for exampfe ,i;j.lris--is" lialn ZSI,, (or whatever the nunrber may be.) .l.his will im.metljaiety iirfoim- tlii*'po.uon callirrg that the desired connei:tion'has been JIEPOII'I' 'trftOUBf,E.-When the linL. orestablishea. instrum_e-ut. - ls out of order, noilfy t.he .\lanager or ChiFf Operrror of ]'orrr Uxchange. -;;iii";i" ".oi ._-ndied tl'ithilr ts'ent)'-f.rur hour.s, kindty ser,tt noii.ie- in f f rfre trouUle i;"'i.'t."YjtUuarU, General n{ana.ger, 203 Washington Si., Chicago, titinois. a ror,r, rrhlssAGrir is a com.runication to a telephone heyonal the llnrlts local exchange s)'stem, bur within the irea in \Thich the company oper!! Voul a-tes. A Long Distarce xressaBe is ir corirnrL:nrcirLi()n lo a ieteplrme"-oir'i"siae or the area in whicir the companj operltes. .l.he comparil,;s iot ,.. dertake to t.ansmit or derivef veirba.r oi $'ritten messigesempioJ:eei'ri,rii p"t-ni. -- -' r,i" -min]rtu""'"or '1'olt. or l,olg Distance r-a-r.eg al.9 toi nLessages of t*hiee . tess, A charge is ntade for each additiorral rninure or-iriaction thereof. . 'I.o r!,rlit ..Lons Dis_t 'r,or,t, ()rr l,0NG DIs't\aNc.D crl,r,,_a;ii for ta.ce" a.d e-lren rhe I-ong I)istance operatoi anire.a; g.i;;'il]!'naile"or tne -ana'aAOreis, ,llllu. nrrnrber. ivhen l(no\yr, artt Ihe name lo-":11^ or llre "l^d..^.:I:ll,,FE "nd n,,(.essjrr) infortilalionto idenlify I l.e part]. desired. fne op"iaior witi mahe the conn(,ction and tr'ill call you io the'teGphone. T'{)..lUdX{ll COLT,IICT. C.{t,LS.-'Ioll or Lonj. Diitance messages can be sent collect provided the. persorr receiving a cortect nressage agrees io anow the same- to be.charge'd to hitn. Request ro ha'e the charges 'ni"at as"iriJr inJ p..,y called for shoulrt be nrade ar the time rhe call is given-io tt tance Operator. "-rtTi"."r,.ris-iir""_ col,r,rJc'rIoNs.-sett'lements for ser'ice are due upon receipt bllls rendered ar)our rhe first of each month. payment strouto -irwivJ--5" of ir-"i"'^ n"tore the 15th of ezrch month at the.r,ocar oxcirange omcu. ch;irs m"oe -,i"-s;d psllbl-.--!! the. C"htcago Tetephone eompanyl subsc;tb;a-;"" "iorii.i"ie iJ therr accounts before they become delinquent to avold suspenslons o'i iervtce ""ttre ano lnconvenlenee to other patrons. ()ItDEIt 1.O TIOVE TEI,DPHONE.-If you wlsh to have telephone moved, please rrr!,L our rhe order helow ancl mail io nr-dulcnn or youi-Bi6na.gu, or Nro. -203 \\'ashinston street, cihicago, at least ten aali retorl-aLie-rui.-o-vii'rs oesi re d. NO,'IE.-Thirt,' days' notice is necess:t r], for remova I between Ap.tl lbth and NIay 15th. C}IICAGO'IEI,EPIfONE COIIPANYPIease move Telephone (prefix) 'l'DLEI'IIONE NUIIRIItS.-Each subscriber,s telephone - is .lesignaLed by a number praced at tlre left of his nanre. ri is imperd,tive1lrii -;115,;r'" calr bv number (r1ot nanre) ro avoid u*or and aeiay. ""n""c?i[ers directory to oiltain the correct nuntbers. "-i"-il,e--"riiJiii'iJiepr,on" THE rNr"oRrrA'rIoN ol'Ert.{'r'ort \\'rLL FUrtNrsH on request NUmBIrras of new subscribers Nor Lrs'r.En and who nirc -tria-i.i"t.ie i"ii"rr",r-'Jr'i". *" tnt. directory was prinredi or ot numheri wrricri' rrave Geii-;ir;a;;:*"'Ho\v ro usIJ 'r'H!l 'r'E]r,EI,IIoN'.-,r ircar -"""aEu i-u-" comrnrnrcatiorl not exceeding ive minutes'durarion berFee; iubscribeiii-stitior]J^--ivifriin rr,u Jallle exci)atge area. 1'o. call the ltrxchange O{lice, tahe tle tt"na-ieteutrolic rronl :he hook and ptace at the ear.. Gi th. ;.leplione l;"- ;';r;;k" jijiSiiriilnr ro, iignaiing ccrlrai, give two quicrr iurns of thi erarrr, oet-6rJ reiirovi'rig-"iire nano ielephorre frorrr the hool<.) 1'he Operaror rvill siy' \;;,ttr;; 'pi;;;1;?' Cive tn" exchange narne and number of the suuscritrer wanted, alo ttie-opirator-wiil repeat them to avoid mistalies. Remain with the teiepnonJ ii- tn'e- eu"'unrir an anss'er is received. rf the desired-.rine rs busy the tiri-*-iigri"i"i"ri'"i.tE""upto,r o-. the .operator will notily yoi ot triii'rJci. *,r.iiii;'",""1," *,ut !1,:rillF19i,lol, tIr(' rtne Calrptl Ior is in use.. AIwa!.s rrp tlre harrd telephone wh*n urrougl) hang -_.ian.t "ariicir'nrenr. ,]lg" rptepho.re has a give 'rrvo qurcli'tur,,* or :f,lkil-c^-r,l,t -iI lrOItIy Lil(,crant( IO the ol1,.rator tO diS,,or,nect. rrom.,. ..,.. to..... on the ......., ......... day of......,........ .,....... l_q0.., or as near th-at date as possible u-der the regulatlons prlnted on opposlte page. The subscrlber promise! to make payment as foltows:^ For each -piemises li.n-q atd telephone change of .addre_ss 95.00; ctrange of location ln iame i2.50. Pri va te exchanfe switchboa rd on estimate.:....,...................Subscrlber. accepted: CHICAGO TELEPHONFj COI4pANy. Date........ ..... Contract Agent.