REGULATIONS WITI{ WHICH SUBSCR,IBERS i{AVE AGREED TO COMPLY USE AND CARE OF EeUIpMENT.-The subscriber shal1 not make, permit, or use any electrical or mechanical connections, or apparatus with the lines, or equipment furnished by the company, without the company's consent. The lines and equipment on subscriber's premises shall be carefully protected, and used for lawful purposes s'here installeal, and upon any termination of subscriber's contract shall be surrendere. to the Company, unimpaired, except by reasonably careful use. At aII reasonable timei the Company shall have the right, which the subscriber shall provide, of access from the street line, and of entering the premises of the subscriber to install, inspect, or 'repair the lines or equipment, or to.remove them upon the termination of the subscriller's right of use. The subscriber shall not use or permit the use of foul, abusive, or profane language, or perscnate any other individual with fraud.ulent or malicious intent, over the equipment furnishgtl, THE COMPANY DOES NOT GUARANTEE UNINTERRUPTED WORKING OF THE LINES OR EQUIPMENT. tror any comptete fatlure of service, of s,hich notice in writing has Jleen sent to its general managerJ and continued for more than twentyfollr hours thereafter, an abatement of the contract charge for the period of such interruption shall be macle. such Claims for rebate on account of interruption to serwice cannot be considered unless written notice has been given to the Company, The Company shall not be liable for defautts occurring on any other line, and the subscriller agrees to reimburse the Company for all sums it may pay, or becom.e liable to pay, for messages transmitted. for the subscriber over other lines than its own, SUBSCRIBER'S NUMBER.-The prefix and number assigned to a subscriber,s station are no part of the contract with the Company, and may be changeal by the Company when necessary. Numbers must be changed when required by the opening of new exchanges, or the regrouping of lines. DIRECTORIES.-Tho Company assumes no liability for damages arising from errors, or omissions, in the making up, or printing of the directory. subscribers are requested, when they desire any change in their insertion, to notify the Ccmpany in \Yriting. PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE OPERAT|ON,-Operators employed by the subscriber for the operation of private branclr exehange swilching apparatls, snLI compt-v with the operating rules of the Telephone company, and render service satisfactory fo it CHANGE OF ADDRESS OR LOCATION.-The Company will move the equipment to any point where .the company furnishes similar service, within the limits of the same exchange system. accessible with its facilities, upon written order, when flre sJbscriber agrees to pay the company's curent charge therefor. such removal will be made witbout charge after the equipment has remainecl in the location for one year, but such removal without charge will constitute an express extensiori of the subscriber's contract for a perioal of one year from the completion of the removal" AFTER A REMOVAL THE SUBSCRIBER SHALL PAY THE CURRENT RATE FOR SER. VICE AT THE LOCATION TO WHICH THE REMOVAL IS MADE, ALTERATIONS.-The subscriller agrees to notify the Company prompily in writing whenever alterations or new construction on premises owned or leased by him will necessitate changes in the company's equipment, anal the subscriber agrees to pay the Company's current charges for such changes. TERMINATION,-The subscriber or the Company may terminate the contract on terms stated therein at any time before the equipment has been in use one year at one address, or location, and may terminate after saitl year, by giving ten days, written notice, in which case thc subscriber shall pay in full to the enal of such ten days, and alays, the end of such ten the Company will refunal the portion of any payment made in advanoe unearned at