McHenry Public Library District Digital Archives

1910 October - McHenry Telephone Directory, Page 3

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\ 1 GENERAL IN f.ORMATIOIAND INSII'IIUCTIONS TO TI]I,EPHONE US['ITS. T ELEPTT()r-E NUII BEIiS.-Each subscriber,s telephone is rlesignaled by a number plaoed at rhe ief r of his name. tr is inrpeliiivJirrii s,iii""-.iilo.u -lls'ri].a bv number (r,ur ,rarre) ro avoid error. and darat'. i;e1h;;u;;;rli-iiieprrone "rrr direcrory to oirtilI: tlre cort.y,.t numbers. I'I{E INFOTI.lI'\'IION Ol'EITA'I'O}i \\-ILL FUI'NISH ON rEqUESt NU}IBI'ItS . of new subsclibers No'r' l,rs'r'Er) and who ha"E iraa servire lritarreu--a-rier ."'"' riits directory was printerl; ol of nunlbers wnicn ha;e ftJ;-;ir;,;;;.*"'* Holv ro usrt 'rrrE 'r'I,tfrpftoNE.--\ nressage i:-i commLl,iciiri,,rr aoL exceeding flve minu[es'duratlon bet$'een local subscribeisi-siatiom--wiitiin ure sJme exe Irange ulea. 'l o call LIre tjxehuilge ollic.. Llre haild telephulle rr rrr, pl-rcc ar Lt,e ear. (It Lhe r.-etepr,one tu,,e lu"'i'-c"iij.*rii"EiiXi.r, ll.^"--lgg|and r". )rEUdrrirts uenrrar. gI!e twu qUlCl( tdrns ol tt.e etirlll( before rprr,or.trrg tlle lta:rd teiephone from iire rrook.) 'rhe operator r-itt- sa.v"',1,r[irll.i b1.""=tltr- Cive ure exchan-se name alld of the luuscritrer ivante.r, anrl tiicrcpe.,itu.-ivitt ..peat lhenl to avoid nuuiber rnis.akes. Remain witir the tetepi,oriJ ai- tir^euntrr answer is received. 1f the desired-.line is busy the ",, ul!y -sigriai"io.,r'*irrri""rpt.o -riiis- "irinoisL=) L,r rrre riiil notiry or ririitaci. r:oi rrcir"ns r-irat ?!,,1!:e .operator Lre rrre caileo tor ls lr use. - Always hang up the hand Lelephone s-llc[ alrr.uugh give 'rwo irurii--rur,,s .r !1l-kili 11rd_ if the- tetephone has a cra"r. iriiciinielt, Lrle (r'afr( io lroujy tlre u!,(,ralur lo, A:\:1_1uti A,l.Er,txprroNE OALr,,-Rernove the liand tetephone .-^..1n9_lr, :l'^9. and glve Lrolr Lle riooji J'our Owll nulnbel', as for exanrple ,,?his is Maln- 294,, (or.whatever rtre numrrcr mav be.) f iris- r.iil lmmeaiaiely i;loini- ti3*, callirg that the deslred connection'has b.eir estahlishcd. ,iE['OR'I',I.]d(]URI n,-\Vhen the lir]e or irlstr.ument ls out of or(ler, notify the- llarager or chief cJllera'Lor of voui nxchanse. rt tre troir;le ic rio't ..r.*^i.'-iiiorr""a, died $'irhin r*enf v-f,,,r, 6o.qrs, kindiv ie"d rioiic-e-'in-;;i-ti.ti;"';. Gerrprrl r,a ger, ZuJ \\'rshinB-1o,, Si.,'Cj,^.' Ijtir,ris. -\lr fl'Ot,f, is il colnrnuaiiariorr to a t.clephone beyond the limits -ire, - A local ntlrSSAGE ex.change s.ysrenr, rrul rviiiri,, li.e in rinicii tnd coirpuiiv upo._ 9l^Iout a-tes. 'outlioe A l,olr!I llisLalree Nl.ssage is a colnmurlcaLion to a telephone or the area i. s'Llich the cornpa.l' operates. The corirpany's ernptoy're!-riruli-ior .. u.dertahe lo Lr'rL.s'1it .r clerlverj patro"i. zri oi u.ritleii nresstiges for or Long Distance rates "ei't are for nressErges or ilree -iniliiiim--ir ress. ^{ . Tollis charge lira.le for each adilltionai minure oi- iilactlon thereof. 't'O ruAt{Il A TOr-L On I.ONG Dts,t.ANCE O,rl,r,.__Caif'for ,,Lons Distance" ard when tire Lorig Distanc6 gperaioi .nswers, si"e thu- nairr-e 'ot ttre e11ilange^ name and nuirrber, ir, ..r, ,,r..rvr,. a,,tl ihe nrrne urrd adLlress, lo_.t,1:-o-nd oI .Ula ncctssurJ ltrturn.jltiOlr lO id(lrlify rl q p:111;. desired. 'l lre OperaLOr Wili nral(e the connection and wiil catl loii io Lt,n- rei.ploie. 'lio lI-{l{E COLLEC,I ClLt,S.*_.I.oil or Lon!.Distance ntessages can be sent coliect provided the person receiving a collect message agrees i-o allow lhe same- to be chai"Sed to hirn. lf.e(tuest to l]ave rhe clrarSes inaoe- agiiriit iir-e party callerl tor should be nrade at t.he'tinle ile call is given'to ine -toTr-or;-r.'orig urstance operator, l,LI,CT'IONS.-S.:ttlements f or service are alue upon receipt bills ren- CO about dered the flrst of ea,ch month. pa].nent shoulct -atways - 6e of uiaoe-^ netore rhe lsth of each month at the Local Eiciiange omce, Crreei<s Jirould-ie maoe -;c;d p,l{able to the. C-hicaao Telephone Companyl S;bs;lbei;-;i" iJ rnelr accounts betore they become delinquent to avold suspensions of servlce ""trt" and lnconvenlence to other patrons. ORDITR 1t,O -lIOvf' ,IETIEpIIONE.-If t.ou s,ish to have telephone .ntoved, . please [.ILL OUT tire order llelow and mail io nI.{NAGER of your'pictianse, or N-o. -203 \{:ashington street, Clticago, at least ten dal.,s uetore oite re-nrrizi-rs rres ire d. N_O-'IE,-1'hirty days'notice is necessary for removal between Aprll lbth and NIay 15th. C}{IC,\GO'I'ET,EPrIONE COMP.{NYPlease ntol'e Te)ephone (preflx)................ on the ..... day of......,... ...........,.. 190.., or as near date as p ossible under the regulations printed on page. opposlte The subscrlber promises to mahe payment as follows:- For each -piemises !i1-g aad .telephone change of -aadress 95.00; ctrange of location in same [2.50. Priva.te exchange switchboard on estimare.... .. :. .....,..., . ....... Subscrlber. Accepted: CHICAGO TELEP}{ONE COMPANY. D&te............ Contr&ct Agent.

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