III,EPEOIaI ilcEII{Rl 157 JOHN STILTING'S TINE SHOP SUPEn, SERVICE STATION Car Washing - Greasing . Storage - Tire R.epairing Accessories - Road Service BATTERY CHARGING McEED{RIr lLL. - Reasonable Prices GHAPELL'S ICE CBEAII Molds for Parties *u tff:Tlffit,H:; Ice c,ream Delivererl KABI.S GAFE Good Foott @ McHenry,IlL Telephone MeHenily 26 Riverside Drive ertxious to Sem:e Tou The telephone operator is just as anxious to give you prompt and accurate telephone service as you are to receive it. This interest is sharedby employees in all other depart- ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY