REGUN,.\TNONS With \\Ihich the Subscri.ber Enas.dgreed to ComPlY To establish credit an applicant who is unknown to the Company is required to make an advance payment for not to exceed three months' servlce. -- may be rendered at any time by the Company, are payable upon presentation and if not paid at once a notice rvili be forwarcied to the subscriber stating the amount due and notif-ving the subscriber that if payment is not macie rvithin three davs thereafter, ttre Company may deny service w-ithout further notice. \Yhen the service of a subs:riber has been denied in accordance n-ith the irlecedine- paragraphs, but the service has not ircen terminated or the order to remove the service has not ireen Where the cost of installation is out of proportion to the exchange revenue it produces, the subscriber will be required to pay a reasonable proportion of such cost. Following the acceptance by the Company of an application for service, the Company assigns a telephone number, but this number is not a part of the contract and may be changed at any time at the discretion of the Company. Under average conditions the Company requires ten days to arrange for and complete an order to install or move a telephone. To guard against interference with the service, unauthorized attachments with the telephone iines or instruments are proiribited. For any complete failure of service, of which notice i,n writ'ing has been sent completed, if such service is restored, a Restorai of Service Charge will be macie. In case service has been denied, in addition to the Re" storal of rlervice Charge, the subscriber rviil be required to pay all service cirarges up to the tirne of restoral of service. Subsequent to the completicn oi an order to terminai,e the service, it will ire reestabiished only upon the basis of a new service application. .. ..$1.00 Restoral of Service Charge . on a monthly period guarantee basrs, the bili for each period to cover (a) the guaranteeci charges for one month in advance, anrl (lr1 aC.ii"ional mes.iages anci tol1 in arrears. Failure to use the minimurn guaranteed number of inessaqes in any monthly period, or the use of rnessaqes in ercess of such number, does not entiile tl'ie sullscriber to any ailowance in any other monthly period. One incoming line (one-way service) furnished only for each individual trvo-way flat rate iine or more than twenty-four hours thereaftet, to the Company's Business Office, and s'hich has continued for an Measured Service, rvhere furni-"heci, is bilied abatement of the contraet charge shall be made for the period of such interruption' five minutes. Party line subscribers are necessarily associated on the line with others located nearest to them and using the same class of The contiuuous use of a party line is limited to serl,rce. Mutual accornmodations usual in public service of any kind, where two ol more persong are jointly concerned, should be extended between party line users. Where the service of a subscriber is temporarily discontinued and the telephone number is retained during absenee on vacation, one-haif the two-rvay trunk line. Not more than two joint users wiil be allowed on P. B. X. or individual line service; and not more than one joint user in connection with a regular rental shall be charged during such party-Iine subscriber. Four-party Service is furnished only where at least two subscribers within the iimits of a single block apply for such service, or where there is a Yacancy on an existing circuit. period, provided written notice of the temporary discontinuance of service is given to the Company in advance. ice: (a) In the event that any sum due (except as provided Denial for Non-payment and Restoral of Serv- in c below) is not paid on or before the 14th day after the issuance of the bill, a written notice may be sent, to the subscriber, calling attention to the fact that the amount is if payment is not made within seven days thereafter, the Company may deny service due; and, Two-party Service beyond the established exchange area wili be furnished only where Jtoo parties outside said area, but within one-quarter mile of each other, apply for service at dire twoparty rate. Four-party Service be5rond the established exchange area rvill be furnished oniy when at least three parties out,side said area, who are within a radius of one-cluatter mile of eactr other, apply for the service at the four-party rate. Rural Service is furnished only vrhere at least two s'.rbscribers are secured for each one mile of wiihout furtirer notiee. (b) In the case of coin box service, if any amounts due are not paid to the coliector at the time of collection, a notice will be left at the subscriber's premises stating the atrount due and notifying the subscriber tliat if payment is not made within seven days thereafter, the Company may denl' serl'rce r-ithout' 1urtirer nc,tice. (c) Special totrl bills, ri'hich lire bui1i. ii Melleury