grve t/re handte one qurck turn. When usirg the telephone speak distinctly in a ot volce. Answer your_ bell promptly but do not remove the receiver fr-om the hook while the bell is rinsins. It may interfere with the sienals. .To.recall the operator hang up the receiver and mooerate tone HOW TO USE THE TELEPHONE INFORMATION ABOUT TELEPHONE SERVICE ,. Ca)l "Information,' dlrectorv- TELEPHONE SERVICE CALLS for names not listed in this PARTY LINES of contersation. To make fo. eflicG"i- si.;i.;-;I; to prevent annoyance to other. on the line thl following rules should be obseryed: _. When you wish to cal1, remove the receiver and listea. _II the line is in use, resttre it.-i.".ii*-'iJ the hool< and wait for those ujing the Ii.elo fi"isf.. 'Always answer your orvn signal. Il there is anv confusion about the rings, report the facts to thi Uhret Uperator. - A11 subscribers on the line have equal rights: for that reason calls should be reasonably limiiea'ir-iensih Opmator', to report unsatisfactory han,, Call.i'Chief qrrng ot your calls, "Repair Senice,, when your telephone is out .Call ot ordef. Call your -Business Office, McHenrv-99g1. for a1l matters .relating to ne\v telephon. ...'uit". -i.-"ou"i." terminar ion of .-service. _direct6rl lL,irgi,-ia;,iiiil.i,t'j ol accounts. collection of bills, etc. grams to You may telephone telegrams, cablegrams or radio_ '-"'" th_e_ Postal Telegiaph Cable Clmpini. . \vhen callrng the telegraph company,'foilorv the lnsrructrons shown uf,der its listing jn this directorv. by arrangement with the postal Telegraph CaLle ^ Lompany. th.e charges for telegraDh messegei sent by rerepnone lvrU alpear on your monthly telephone bill-_ On messages i_eliphoned public' t"iJ: witt. be requested ""iii'ij"-" to deposit the message .yo,l, ?,1-o_1"r: cnarges rn the coln box. TELEGRAMS BY TELEPHONE INFORMATION ABOUT OUT.OF.TOWN CALLS _ _ ca1ls from McHenry to the points shown below handled by your local operator, rt is"nof ft is not neces!;;"i; necessary to call ;;ii",,i,;iii Distancel,,'"si-iir'Jr*",1T'"Yl,f#iXslJ.i .si-i].,--r'r^. "Lone i;iEil:i, ttre h,,*L^number_ desi:e,t srre +rra *'Xtf: to your operitor oprator who rvill *ill'ie;;:d' #,"r,:l'.#:"1,,?fl::::?l record .i?-1j1 ,-qlTrly and corolete thc q211. The iniiial jf,..."""pr.i# lrKrnt' period'ii rs De'od firhve hinrie< ,i,itf, rvitlr ihe exception sxccpLron of rtarlon-to-statloll -talkj-ng -i"rt." Sration-to-statiorr raies station-to-Statiori,"t., -" " rates 3n cents ""' or of il0 cert< or o- more no'e rvhere the iniiiai initial irit talkino'...i.,1 period i.-ii,.talkine i'ire'p".i;'d';" iq ;;;";';1;;r"'ll"' three minulc:. -;-,,,---" "" ., " " " "ou'rJ Evergreen Park ......,.....$0.4S Nilcs .. . ........$0.30 Barrington .15 Fox Lake ... .... . . .10 Nile Center Bellwood ...,...... .3S .30 Genoa City,.Wis, .,......., Bemyn . ..,....... North Chicago ,........... .40 .10 .20 Burnham Grayslake .......... ,50 .......... .10 Richmond ....,.,.. ,lO Carpentesville .15 Great Lakes .20 Riverdale . .,...... ./tO Chicago . ....,..... .40 Hillside , Riverside ,... . .. , .. ,gs .., .. .... Cicero . .40 .40 Lake Geneva, Wis.,....,,.. Crystal Lake Tessville ,10 .ZO ........., ,30 Dolton . Libertlville .S0 .15 V/auconda .fO Dundee . .......... .t5 Lyons . .40 Waukegan Elgin . . .2O ldaywood ......... ,35 Majestic Evan ston .20 Melrose Park Ontario . .,.... .95 Davis . .,...... .ZO .35 Morton Grove ....,...,.... Greenleaf .35 .30 Woodstock ........ .fO Univereity Mundetein .3S .tS I Zion 20 .zv l\-herere-r po-gsible, please Call by Numbe-r-rvhen_you telephone out of town, rvhether you wish a snecified to_ anyone who anslver". If you do not knorv the numberl. iti" f".g'Oi#r;';";o;.i[,l"';;ij s,rpp:,v it. Please make a note of it for frrture use. CALLS TO NEARBY POINTS HANDLED BY YOUR OPERATOR CALLS TO OTHER OUT.OF'-TOWN POINTS pers'n o- \r'j'l talk Out-of-town calli are of two general c/asses.. STATION-TO-STATION CALLS-such calls are (or a.particular extension or d-epartment reached througS for ANYo\E wHo ANSWERS at the disrant rere- a prii,ate -E*""r,--bl"l"i,gir. phone. To placg-a Fe1s";;:p;r"; call ask for ,.Long DisTo place a Slation-to-Station call ask for "Long Dis- ta"ci.'! -Cive-thi-rt"n'bi.tun"e operator ihe name lance " G:r-e the Long Dislance operator tlre na-me oI place. o{ the thi-t"t."pt'onJ'r,,-ber, 'and ttr"- iram" 'oi the telephone numb.ei_y-ou are calling as, the perion rvith whom vo" *liL-io ;ll; ;;. .:D;ir"il: !E place.and "i" "Detroit. )lichigan. Cadillac 990o." Tf notkJnow l\ficliigan, C.aill.c osOd.-john Brou.n.,,- ir the numher. say.- for exa.mple. "Detroit.' MictLisan.. any- not k*now it . ,r-U.i. '"ji."'io."'i*jrirpl.,",,i".;r"",i "",, one at the re.idence of Tnhn. Bro\vn-. 40OO-lIighia;d ntichigan. lohn Brown-'of-]irfr"-nro*n"lna Cr..-lO'orj 't. t.ia"irr" 'rjII Bltd-" . Then if vou are isked to hold rhi lini """J".- C";;'Sl.; "Tb.r- if ' ;";'J*'r"r..a stand tlat vour number will b.e reque_sted while the qndersiand- th;t y;;r';;*b;; *ift t.i"i"",it.a'*iiii. tle di.taal o1n".. tl:e call is r"_;rs 6oii-ot"teJ'"ai tn" ai"t""ii,1;;;:- """' ""I,i:,]TiI-*".-9Tp_1.t:9-1t -tiJii.. Station'to-Station rates are lower than Person-to- Person-to-Peison retes aii ;;-.;r:i;;a tf."" Person rates. These rates are reduced betlveen 7 P.M. Station-to-Stati; r"i"r.-" ft rates are reducecl beA.u. ,(Nisht Rates) all dav.Sundav if t*,een 7:00 p.M. i"a-+,so--a.rr. "". cxieiri R"LJ i"i 1,"d.1j.q0, ^and penod tie initral rate exceeds 35 cents. The time o{ day Sunday if the initial p;;i"d-.;?;-";;;il 5d. dav at. the originating point when conversation starts 4l The time o{ day it tt p.i"i r"rr." 'J. dete"mines lrhether the Da.v. Night. or Sunday rate ap- tj^n-sra,ts aeie,-ire"-wj,eil,e.-t1,e " "iG"ltirrg ""ii"""...": Day. li;Si,i, Pltc-r. S,nday re,e applic.. Chargesbeginwhenthe-distanttelephoneisansr.rered. -Charges ai'6-comp"ted from the time conversation There are no_Report charges on station-to-station n,ith t-ne +rcineJ'p;;;.;';l ii;; ;&";-1;i;;il;; p11c9 the first time the distant station is reached. Report Charge is made on a Person-to-persor call .-i the PERSON-TO-PERSON CALLS-such call: are if distant telEphme is reacbed, the desiiea"*n for A SPECIFIED PERSON at the distant telephone is not available, *. i" ""t';;;r-";;;j;t4.""" "iti is placed, time a call - COLLECT CALLS-If vou ask- the Long Distance _operator at the "ia she rvill arranse to have the cirarges bille.l to the called party wiihout aalirioirit ;";i'; d.;;-;r,.ir."r'tt,"*'i"ir. a-re.placed on a Staiion-1o-Station or Person-to-Pe son basis:-excipi "[^;t..--Tj;i; itrat prion-io-p.ison rates apnly t; C"il";i Calls.wlere the initial Station-to-Station rate is less than 2O-"."ii, i"i-a;;i;-;iZ5 cents;p;ii.;;h.;;-1h" initial Station-to-Station rate is 20 cents. refuses to accept the charge, a Report Charge will be made unless the call is then complete<i -^ pald as ^I1^!1._":11"-{-partv a message. The hilling of charges to the called patty is not permitted on calls to points in Mexico nor or Or.erseas calls. The rates herein s.tated ?re the legal rates of the conpany as on fiIe with the calls except on Collect Calls when conversation does take lot begins. Illinois Commerce Commission, June 29,19j6. tt1 McEGnr