SEMI.MONTHLY PICTOR IAL-NEWSLETTER .by NEW3IETTEI 3Em{otlTHLY XEWlLfffErr Xrrr hom tG' Honry'Tovndrlp, lldtHonry Corrnily, Clcf c0 ncHoFrr. :LrtoLrd PrilL lUoei Slrolr 8o1ch, Vllhp d XrcCulbai tetl Phtrh rbhhrt&, llurrarvllb :lrdc whor o"Lrramor rna vtthgl ct sunt#: puUti*oa ilo ttt rrd 3d W.dn drr cf rpirfr' Riverside Bake Shopr L. Behlke, lr1f I{arkts Sport. Goods, D. (elsey -l+l+6 C. O. F. 7:OO OtGLock rJi.u.Jlegqd - fu9, Don Dixon - _ b* mrf &t{."t; foCon pobllcrrlon C.ia. - Addru-P. 0. Bor 67, rulLISHEnS- gorrlolnln onb tlllnoh. Pboo. f1ryllod rnd Oirrd t, W 5-o7L6. , AETHUI J. STUHLFEIER' TIalsh l-nsrnance - H. pinkstaff- L59 9:OO OrGlock Ladles Ieague Sbortsmenrs Tnrlr A. Craulke l&I Castle Trml J. DiILon bBs ttPATn BOLEY 2l"ID PEDESTRIAN FATALITI IN TESS TIIAN SETEI\I DAYS Nerroso TYPS 23rd, shortly before mldnighte Pat Boley of McHerqy was struek by an autorobile andr ki1Ied instantly. ftre driver of the vehiele that struck rhim was Arthur Erickson of Genoa Cityr fn an aecident rtr-ieh oceumed on'Dec. Cmras Photo, fppficc GEO. IU. I(0TALIK CATETA CENTET N. RtvtrrU. tl7 Drh't Plrcrr W. *D, ing snow. a citiiOfrooci pieture of }fu. Borey appears in the gr'"W P!9!9 94 l s? i1 iss'",3 tfiCi{E}mr RE@EAfICN x ilAJOB T.F.ICIIE triuppy ard. I Vtsititity at the time of the accident, vhieh occurred just south of Eingrood -on State Boute 31, ras yery poor due to fal[- Tlisconsirr. I(ransets Srpplies lfcHenry illsposal Ila:ot Ieos 31+ 16+ 19 23 29* 29 25 2b ?3 18 Lz 18* Joa ELten Boosters lficEenry State Bank s tavern- & lborysLnrs Fj.uishing pjqclc_@lll .e HIGH H" G?crich, Hig}i Serj-es, 692 John &ei^nrlli& fne , 2BB MeHenry Recreatioa, Menrs 2F CLub III # 25 30 MAJOfi, LEAGUE "Beliel/e 'me... it PAYS to 6e FUSSY oboul Dry Cleoning!" I J Klein Ifebb 2BB .ts ,M lfteuger Crouch C Corso R kies M 256 266 257 '!s B %h 2b6 Coari !{ Britz. F.Ior l$eyland G Visconti 25O 225 GT.W 256 256 255 252 MSHIX,IBY BECREAT]ON HO}MT$'S M U Donnelly 8b S-[offe1 23L-616 L J Deidrich 23O PHONE EV. 5{9rl7.for Pick-up Service !-aoondio 226 or SAVE l09o Crsh 'N Carry .al C.arry Appli,ance ,$e$enry Disposal- . Iedies Falacr-nscFEatroil League - f:00 or c:_oc* d. Leone B. Boctanan RAI}IBOW CLEA}IERS hO: Irene Utrles - ll.-Front Srrcet llcHonry, lll. - 16I Lr8t {Afound c-orner North of Natronat Teat OPEI{ FRIDAY EVE}IIXGS TO ?. M. '