CALLS TO NEARBY PLACES "lm your operotor, ond I con connect you with oll out-of-town ploces. (See Poge 2 for rctes ,,LONG DISTANCE" "My Long Distonce lines ore usuolly over-crowded with ivor colls ond we con't get copper for more lines. So pleose don't to neorby ploces.) moke unnecessory Long Dis- "lf you don'l know the number, ond it is nol in this directory, osk for 'lnformoiion,' "lf the iniiiol rote for or less, your tonce coils. l{ you must use Long Distonce, coll before 9:30 A.M. if you con. PIeose sove 7 to l0 P.M. {or lhe men. service stqtion-io-stoiion coll is 25 cents "Pleose give me the number of the colled porty if you knorv five minutes is ollowed without on overtime chorge. lf the initiol rote is 30 cents or more, on overiime period storts il: it wili menl. sove time ond eq:ip- 'Dt rirg ihese wor times, pleose try to keep your conversotions os short os you possibly co n.' ' ofler three minutes." I ts Ploce slotion-to-stotion colls when you mereiy Moke o "Person" coll when you wont to +olk wont us co ll. lo ring o telephone number. Chorges to o porticulor begin when onyone onswers o1 the telephone you person, or to o porticulor telephone or deporlmenl reoched through o privote switchboord. Rotes ore higher thon "Sioiion" rotes, but chorges do not begin until the person or deporimenl you viont is oble io onswer. lf you coll {rom o point in lllinois 1o onother point in lllinois, o Reporf Chorge will be mode if fhe person you wonf connot be reoched ond you osk fhe operolor to concel the coll. coLrEcT cArrs l{ you wish to ploce o collect coll, the operotor will osk the person you ore colling if he will poy the chorges. No odditionol chorge is mode, except on Stotion-to-Stotion colls where the initiol rote is 20 cents or less. l{ ihe porty you wont refuses to poy {or tha coll, o Report Chorge will be mode on colls befween points within the Stote o{ lllinois unless you decide to poy for the coll yourself. 4 REDUCED RATES Between 6 P.M. ond 4:30 A.M. ond oll doy Sundoy, reduced roles ore in effect. They opply to "Slolion" colls if ihe iniliol period rote is more thon 35 cenfs, ond to "Person" colls if the rofe-is more ihon 50 cents. McHenry, Ill.