rc 3o* 1L*t JJo*n-lo-Er. as plumbTelephono wiring can be as modern and inconspicuous yowr home hg u.rJ electrical work if prottisions lor it ore ma'de beJore .. PLANNEO TELEP}IONE SERUICEI k buih. flexible or thinwall Concealed wiring through the uee of rigid, conduit enables you to have built-in telephone outlets ' ' neat little plates aimilar wherever you deaira in deaign to electrical outlets at the timo ol Conduit placed lu walle and floore by t'ho coDtractor moldings and and construction, eliminateg expoeed wiring on baeeboarde Coete eervice' your telephone reducee the possibility of intermptione to wiriag aud wirea providee al1 are nominal and the telephone compsn, uork You meroly havo the conduit inatallod' coneult r'r'ith you without cost or Your telephone compeny will be glad to built-in conduit. Just call our obligation and make recommendationc for b*ioorofrceandaskfor"Architecte'andBuildere'Serviee"' us FoR HELP IN eriil'ffiirnp;io cel-l uPoN FACILITIES' ARCHITECTS, CONTRASTORS 4ND BU]LDERS iiiaNNruc TELEPHoNE ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY 40