- \g iw ' ffi ffi # ffi & Y E . 1l 301{5 Mell!f,{Ry BIeIi sCHOOI BAS(ET' SALI TSAff OF 19X5. E}iCK ISIfl: ALTA \Ym{DWORm, BEF,H-ICB 301ISi,EtT, JANE OIIIN, IRINE VASEY *i\rjl h4ARY mlTsl,fifI" FRONI R0It: VERONA MBSffi{, MAY},IE BARBIAII SliD tf,lIORE FIiEIIND. Pho+,o Courtesy Louis ,itoffel, Reproduction hrdy Bryant Pffn0ffi 0!1fr_,UHTflIEffi \{o.Rr-sEoP 0N DISASTER NURSING. -l z H["3i":yB'?1' ,;tl":al"xr"ri:ra:,'till has plaruced' oneaster Nursing Cornnittei d.ay workshops 1 1 i o"i"t to be available to the grcetcst ,nunber of nurses the nprksbops riII bc ln"fa in dricago at the Red Cross Cbapterl on Disagter Nursing' In ,29 S. -5-oo Davis St' Zi'i tne Eva nston Granch, 511 Evanston on March 28; the Earvey Branch Wabash Ave., Chica e-? March Uid.r Ler horrerur tAIGtAilD PANI Lrkrlrnd Prrl on lore l2O COI{SUME'5 TIADE STAIPS Complrtr Foroign end Dornortic Autornolive Srrvicr Phoe. llcHrnry EV. t-9779 Towing D.X SETVICE STATION RANDY SELLEI, Pro9. i5i ,. 155th st., Hanv!{ o_, Iod 29, 8r1d' tle Oak Park Branch, 820 N' Boulerrardt Oak Park on Mercb 10. lhe workshop will cover specific duti6s and responsiU:.titics of nurses in disaster, commrnications, shelter- and energcniia. A disaster meal rrill be sentcd "f ooorr. The workshop will be rnade up "i of a leciure, d emonstrations and filns' Alt Red Cross nurses, and. other nurseg interested in disagter are invited to attend. these workshops. A final program and reservation form will bc sent to local Red Cross Chapters ln Fcbruary" iteservations should be roade rith l'lr8 ' .qoeicstead of Betty BootJa - and Mrs. Wonder talce 'tooastock. or the lrna Rcd, Cross Chapter in