Something New Hcs Been Added! -- Girl's Dainty SEeepwecr --- Seld Seporotely -- AAATCHED GRGUF, . . . . Feignoir Gown $T.PB eoch Boby Doll Poiomo Sizes 4 - 14 Copri Poiomo ' . Orchid or Aquo Print on Soft Cotton Lovishly Trimmed with Ribbon ond Loce - /1 Zar/kf /r$ a qc* az to Reuirre - RITIERSIDE RETAIT OUTLET West End oi Ota Bridge in McHenry Sundayr 9 to Fridays 9 to 9 Open Daily 9 to 6 PHONE EV 5-5900 - - 5 Homc of Rivtrrido Rrlril Outlcl