$ffiffisrrffimffiffiffi fnra sunrey EesuJ.fs, rhrca sho*ed a aafrrute Gs1.e of the pcople of l,lc8aar5 for e servica of this agtirrc. A pra),im,inar;r investtgation hae sllorrr th-rt m*n*v of tire taachers in the ]ocal sclrool riistrrct a:e iuaiified to ln.xi:ruct at tbis ievel, but, in orier to p*rtieipate in e Fro,ran offering aetuel collage serecatioR, srLlst flrst be affiiiated w$tir en acepted eollege or universr ty. This effli.latlcn rould Snsu:'e the univ*rse] *eeapt*nee of credlta rannd f nes t!:* lecri prorrreln 1n e4y maj*r un:w.arsl tyu fcr r t roujrl raqui:"e ti:e s:onsGrirW ir:-*t.itut,ion tc offtctraitry Ip::d j t I s sce re"ii ti l:g pclrcr ."o ths rO- (- f!IlOEl:-r T, L te i-r t prOltfa.ni. B eourset ed pe:'sons. lnvas tl ga- t r on iorslorlrtie o is a e6s 3 n or-Je r to Ceterulnc ti.. t :opcsa -t crrtrrtcur,ua f,or the pro(ragl" A r'p:'oJe ct sueh ee this has cnoraous by E9I p] ar to al 1 ly pl t,t".e J eye .J i ..t i,*. i;: :-, Easter WEBE $oem 8e Here Order Vour ffiew Suit ilor!! lolen Altor l croxvErT ?Ol tot ! tltattt, coat r "--.ea." !aiE d-..--a hh-rra-mdr - Prkc 3r0.9s Uid.i Xrr Imefrmaf LilTTEtAilD PARI( }X SENVICE STATrcN RANDV SELLEX, Prop. l2O CO$ISUTEN's TRADE STAMPS Corwplrto Foroign *nd Donrostic LcJrolend Coarrl Grucrt Intc 3gbo6ra Ccrt Prrk on Rqrtr r fr* FRAf,X d Cultrn 3ul?r L.dr6 Xrar fo Ordrr t{r-9c ul vg t7.50 Towing Automotiv* Sorvicr Phono McHonry EV. 5-9719 Flr.C TAtLOttr.c 6l{ Prrl YE ts ::p ) I. POTEDNA tclvtcf Ir(ulla Lrto