?lqrqE!4l-tYtwsLt I I U. I[mmNG. Special guests present et thc McEcmy Jr.urior &anbcr of Comcroc nonthly dinner necting, bald t'his past t\rcsday cvcrirg, rerc UoHcnrlris thrcc ioa:adidetcs for neyors DoraLd Dohertyt DINNSB CANDIDAIES SPtsCIAL GUESTS AT JAYgEE Therc rilI also bc piped-in o:rygen suction equipnent. a.nd LEOilmD OtffG. L BOTTARI, o. D. Ed@-@sd'Gn. OLA3|CS FITTED MeEBIRY JAYCSES M,ECN OI'ETCER,S IOR ]hunc - EYE8 EXAilINID ly.AppCntrnrat llhc clcction of officers of the Mcffcnqr Junior Clra,mber cf Commercc for thc 195L62 t,err, took placc at the nonthly d.inncr nceting, hcld Tucsday evening, Merch. 21. Newly clected offiocrs ere: Prcsid.cat - Err"oltl. Cygan; Vicc Prcsident of Dsternal Affeirs - HenrSr R. Hciec; Yicc Prcsidcub of Internal Affeirs David. ladd.; Secretary - LeRoy Ei1lcr; Trcaeurer .Anthony ; 1961-52 [Emr lOt N. tlchrnond tcrd fcHrnry- llllnclr thoa. EV"$r261 M()NEY I Won t Buy llappiness! ?intozzi. Officcrs will assuloe their official duties follov-l ing cn instellation ceremorly planned. for early Juc otr tiris vea=., NUS.SE SFTIIiICIED But it will buy off an awful lot of unhappiness! Cref A Check Every 6 Months ilrs. Dor.otW Mcfirllin, R.N., has bcan gclcctcd fron McHcnry Hospitel aursing str,ff to cnroll in the six nonths postgraduatc netcrnity nureing progrcn et thc Lying'-In Hospital- a t tha Univereity of Mre. Mcl{u}Iin till be thc haad nr:rse of thc obetatricrl departmcnt of }Icl{anry Hoepital. The hospitel ste.ff f,ocls it is impcrativc the thc O.B. dapertnent be headcd. C'hica6o. , F]R pEgIAt TRAINING [VzY' Gn luvctrpnt Savlnge Amountr l- by e'nurs6 vho has had tttc type of training that Mrs. McMullin rill rsceiva. Many chenges havc takcn place in thc maternity flcld in tbe past scvere} ye&rs and post graduatc studies assist thc registered nursQ in beco,ning conversent rith nen techniques in'irll ereas of maternity nursing. One of the new techniques is teaching motbere to care for their babies throt:ghout their hospitalization. The go31 is to rnake t'he motber fccl sccurc in her knowledge and reesonably adept j.n the carc end observation of her new beby. In the ncu materniuy section of McHenrlr Hospital, tlre Latest features of the cere of the ner mo ther erd newborn baby wiII be lncorpo rated. The mothers ri1l have the ratest ad.justible oostctrical becls. al l tola 'uis:cr'g i-:: ee'*rh room. ' +hYa Eonus Payable 47o Per .dnnum at End of 4 Years SAYIlt65 AYAILABILIW . YOt WITIIDRAWABI,E B AT ONCE up(m your rcquot. SAVINGS have alwrye been ACCESSIBI,E . . 200 lv. ELM Sf. McIIENRY, ILL. Phone EVergreen 5-gm0