ulcIoRrAL.NEW5LerftR voGT, CATHERINE'fiA.Lffi, ROBEm LEI.AE PATA(E/ imUl,mr TIIURT$ELL, Gr'\rH[sr,- FRA]u( Phone: S85-6338 PAGE, AIBERT IOPER, .lmN l.lenltbrys, nosALIND IIy'10, ELWoOD WINFIEID, BERtEEI SpE{cER, QUn,TIN WAISH, KtrX$lHrH ?STERSON A}.ID HUIE SSTIOE:![8R.. ,P@onPson School, Ilopder Leke, I11. on Saturday, Arigust 12, L96L, fron 2 to 9 P.u. aad on Sund.ay, Augxrst IJ fron 2 to I P.il. llbc thcme is Flowers erd Music. EIJ,AGE OF MCCTILIOM I"AKE IJTTI,E I,EAGUE Thc Little Leegue Boscbsl} garres erc in ful1 ew'irg now, w'ith gamcs being pleyed regularly aech reek. t'bc boys erc very enthusiastic and ara playing finc b&Llt T}IDER IJJffi cARDm{ CTIIB wlll prescnt e F1orcr Strow end music et the Herrison (rn ttre RlvereLle Eotel) Portraits - Wedding Candids - Comm'l - Aerial Y ,^JN. K*Ji I Drlve sTUDIo 1804 BlvereLle Mclfenr5r' IlL. PA]'ITRY DETICACIES Homemade Salads and Pastrier Prepared Foodr Barbecued of All Kindr Chicken Fancy Mefre Cheere cnd e little support from parcnts nncl rcsid.ents of the VilJ.egc would bc greatIy apprecj.atcd. Como on out errd' watcb them, itre e rual morele bull.d.er.. Pic- "y'c, & /,u.i*u 1328 N. Rivercide ?aea, p4tof4/' HILAR.Y AND ANN RODENKIR.CH Drive McHenry, lltinoi: futurc iggueg. tr:rcs of thcsc tee,ms riII bc sborm in Phone EY 54754 'W'e types h"o" "ll tLe variou$ o['Arrto Insuran"" "rrd welcome the cLance to h"lP P.id On 3% tI Srubt33 yoo choose the PolicY that Best Fits Yorr N""Js. EARL R. WALSH IilSURAT{GE AGENCY 3429 W. Elm Sireet l .l tcHenry SHe Bank ,ffilllllOt 3.o 13 ;tf, L*r d FD.lf,. McHenry, lllinois. 't : i 'r EY. 5{1043