PICTORIAL.NEWsLETTTR BOAT DRTVERS WAI]NSD OF YIOT,AflONS to the increasing nr'mber ctr violations of drivers of boats, it should be notecl that all boats must have iegistration nunbers imprinted. on the creftt eccord.ing to the Boat Act of 1959. Th:is act is being enforced by the Conserrration Department and offenders are liable to a riinimum finc of $10 for most offeilcgr Dre i ffi otlllm tr 0m mil 6 ounffsrrmlH]lt 1910 MCIIS GfRLS BA,SK},TB{LL rEAili. FnoM TOP DOWN: AGNBS IODGE, MARGUETTTE GRANGER, JUr,rA StotrsEl, FAlOfr GRAIIGER A],ID rJrJrAN xrllsnIboto Mrs. Robert fhomPson "- sEPrrc rn. sYsTEts 6 ,fr EtEGTNIC $ffiffiR RUDITG EtffiHm GLo$S0il_ ArR COmPRCESoI, WOrr 3809 W. John Street Phone EV 5't950 McHENR.Y, ILLINOIS W|J AL OTTO Formerly Peter A. Freund SEPTIG TANK and CESSPOOT PUMPII{G Prompl - Reasonable Service PHOttE EVergreen 5-1819 Rdsidence - 2009 N. Ringwood Road I