tr[oEE{ffi qIv'MEmri$S 0RGAI{IZAITON aity plan State ioeued. After an exteasive sanination of the a4d, pregrp-n fer the year, tLe hin et oity available for aatehing firndo cf the f,ederal goyernreat. Dlreoter Johr J. SLay stated. that be is gratifieil rrith the help be reoeivei fron hlg essistaat d,l,reeters ia aeconpliehiug thig ill auoL e, ehcrb tln. Ee e lso ctated, that oatry the besio pla:e has baen filed, and, tnat volraritears rosLi be aeeded to enlergu the ;rlan. Iatareeted peros&{l aay aall A1oo, aryr ergaaization that ,roul.d. Iike a talk on oi.vil d.efense may oall hiia aad he 1111 arrarge ts h,ave a speaker therr. a oertlficate of aocred.itatioa to tbe Ci,ty of HcHeury-, flhil aor uakeg thc Ciril Defeage Ageaoy on August ]I HOMEMADE SOUP FR.ESH PIZZA . WEDilESDAY SPECIAL INCLUDES r{a ile SPAGHETTI ffi*s eat #1"10 ?eSALAD, BREAD AND OF:F }?$ BUTTER Duaary'a pmaraffi & EV &Rt!-L ,85-24A4 fer infermetloa. Open 5-4853 tI a.m. &aily I}* I-AKELAND FARK ,XeF{EtdftY, ILLINOIS - Closed irtronday Suksribe Now RIDE HORSE. BAGI{ FOil YOUR }EEA[-TH *:* 4&, Sand and Gravel Black Dirt EHAN?{EI VIEW RANC}I 7225 BARNARD MII-L ROAD WONDER LAKE, ILI-INOIS CAI.L WONDER LAKE 7093 Ponier and l{orser Sadd!e t{orsei for Hire