XIiS. HrnTsf PIqiliRm At TEE IIoEEIIRY mINTRI 6T,UB fl8EHE I[R. ^T.Bnil rU EIS EOSOn,SATUnDAI E\rEMrNG, oqroBEt 28. A DIXNET Af EONofiD A1bert Puncy, treersLeoper et the l{oEearSr Couatry Club for alnoct forty yoars rag boaorrl at a dianer tberc on Seturday evealrg, Ootober 28. llangr frleDas attEntet tbe evat rbj.ch raa oalled. the rA1 hurey llestinouial Dia86!'ro Follori:o3 tbe Grner, thc olub preollentr Dick Eegter ras introlueed' by Benry Jaekeoa, fro ras oo-ohairoan XB. AtrD }UR!i:ET trA,s "-;"t!fi,tduRNG *""*tT;;"*ovo' rith latt Eoffnan. OlC-tinen Oeorgc Jccpc, Stodon UYogPnl T:{:reSr;x ilick P. frliller, Et Ownor Circle Building Roule 120, rh Block East ond Trudc , lla Scnice All lakes of Uehicles Phone EY. il)403 926 N. Front Sireel of Bridge McHenry, lllinois EV 5-0890