P. Phopc 5Y" BOI.GER ilctlenry fficHENnV DBUGGI for thc lack of nsrs in thig ieaue but rill nake up for lt in future lggues' ifbe next iesuc rill ligt car:did'ates for County offioea and' otJaer ceudid'ates to bc ',voteion in tbe Apntl primaries' will Sorry 5{900 also have other ltens of interast" IAEN'S. LADTES' SUITS TO ORDER ALSO REPAIR,S GUSTOffi TOPIGS :RAY ZBLEUIS!(Y W Tqarcl SUITS CUSTOM T,AILORING FRom /.?aklrca SUPERCEPTION #45 CODE 8t5 uP EV s.3293 Scientists are predicting the possibility of bro4dcasting messages and pictures to a persons inner consciousness, bypassing the eye, ear and - 5ll0 WESJ PARK VlErrt/ VILLAGE OF McCULLO*t LAKE other sensery nerves. Now, this might seem 'way out' to most folks, but it is already possible to stimulate the brain by electromagnetics without touching the human body. It is just a matter of learning how to control the. magnetic field for hurnan reception. So, if you think you're bombasted by adver. tising now, can you imagine what it will be like with superception transmission? And, if you're aware that this unusual news is a lead-in to a eUSTOffr TV announcement of their fine TV and electronic services, than you have been receptive, too. Phone EV 5'3757 for guaranteed Have A Rerl Treat Home-ilade Soup Hrmburgorr rnd Othor Snrckr Ph r EV. 5-26E1 For Ordors To Trko Oul. rrc LCtAt I335 N. Rivlrside satisfaction. 3/313 W. Elm Stroot rilE Of THE q', -S rilru.DEGI(ER HANBURGER TAFEL'S ttotcl ond Drivc-ln -Diner Higlrrey 3l .Dd Gaqr Road AlgooquiD. Illinors