*Y *' t,ffift ry# ", "'.i6r,'l,i - ff,,.* &# #"# a.* t" r &B 't# Pa*. ,$ tl ##-4 ffi, 3 '. '-.t"- r*a :.,,.: . ;:.,,;,;;1;.:: l;,,::1. ;1 ,:y;.:1 ::,;.:.L:':,.1:1;;,:. A T910 PHOTO SHOITIIVG RE},I, HUNTERS fi{D SAI{E TAf,E}I" L. TO R. AIIDiQUEENIEr tm Doc. Fllrn frrniehed by ldrs " If!tr,, Althoff BABflAUfS #1515 ! JoHII SUrtE, bo until 3:O0 A,H. Ielrc your rcservationa crrly. tiekets ou solc qt thq tegton aor. I?.60 Pcr ht. llc ttEt{BI ;111 br r t{or rh.re at ald-nlgparty Snorgeebord lvc roars YE?$RAI{S 0F lfuxlD WtR 1 Dencing rritl thc Ylaoounte *ro selI"trng Chrlcttras trcos ln tho Logloa perktag lot. thta rl11 hclp relce norcy for thcir cxpoD!G6o fhc trophy thnt thay ro! at DoaTor, sstloeal Chanploae f,or Sonr of the Leglbn rlll bq oa dlepley at thc Laglon for thc next S0 deyao Th5"s ia qul*e am honor te bo able to diapley this trophy ee thls 5.e the ftrrst time 1n tho past S0 ys8r3 that thle trophy hr. boen out of Clcvcland. POrEO!. IIEWS end SUilDIIES m0Ut'g (FcmrlY W.rfbr Dnn) Acarttq Salo*' ,*bnfb cltcLE lulLolllc Routo l2O-tA Block Erd ol Brldgr EV t{t9t0