The d.ietary employees of :,icHnry i{ospital aed the msmbers of 'che i'Iornanf s euxiliary to McEeary Iiospltai a.tertained the Candy Strilnre cr Thr:rsd.ay, i,iarch A TRTBUTE TO Im C/ri,DY SIS.IFERS 8th, at the Srtorleaa tegicra Buildiag, Ihe persoamol of tho hospitaffi.tcha. Easter Wiil Soon Be Here Order Your l{ew Suit Nowll CUSTOM TAILORING EV 5-329it Teaat /" - coDE 8.J 5il0 wEqr PARK V|EW VILLACE OF *tcCULLOm LAXE ALTHOFFS GAS SENY /CE 90t N. Frcnt Stroot Judy hyl Cheri Eueokstaed.t, l,iancy Losmnna, Doraa Lcm, hiioheLle }foririttrr, Sherry, Ierge parist, Elalne Piasecld r Jsaa postlernraite, Cerrie taylor, Faye ?honrpsoa, Star iyost a.nd CheryI tYlttrock. Other Candy Stripors are Llud.e Bal:rbrid,ge, Idarioa Barle, Saactl Brea::raa, Loridsle DLxon, Bmte Frer.ud, Lee Ga,rland., Sharoo Grea.1ey, Berveri.y aad, Clady Grote, 011ve Jaokam., Saadra Joaeerasd, ldargarot Karas, tiud.a Krnzl Linda Iaabert3r, Barbara Ee,yars, pat Sfrorrieoa, Barbara Murphy, Jsaet ldurrgy, Ihe folloning girls hava coatrlbutod tlu.n 100 hours of serrioes Rae Chadrrick, Betty Lou Danko, Oeorgie Foerster, Elayoe Godlna, pauletto Guto, ,:ior'e i,iora Jaoksoa, R.Ii. -'At tho presaat tlme there are fortynine high s6hool girls rho are ia the Candy Stripers prograrn whioh ls spcaasored by the 'ryornans Auxiliartrr to iraHo:ry Eospital. The girls also completed a traiaing course conduebed by waotodl to ehsw its appreciatlm to the Eyls who hive- groo-a total of !!00 hd'urs of vohmiJer help to tho holpf tal prroJeot was orgaal-zed ln Jueo, _sig-co the 1951. ,lCotUuea Wc Eaak Page) Phcr:v. iizo Crry r Full Lino of (rylEtc IhGt c, Disp.tdGd GREETING CARDS lil&r for All Occosionr in the lotcsl Dcsignt EROWT'S (Forlrrrly W.ilh. Drurl tflS urd SUXDRIES }ME Of THE TRIPII .DCGI(ER IIATBURGER TAFEL'S Itorcl ond Drivc-ln -Diner Highrey 3l .!d Gar.r- Ro:d AlaoquiD. Illrnors