An Open Letter tt..;' the Citlzens of l'lcFionr;,' Cottnty: rs Hc, t5e underslp;ned, the members of the Staff of the Sherlff pfflce to clarlfy our positlon in the forthconing electlon for the Offlee of Sherlff. We feel that belng the people closest to thc eltuatlon that the onI1'1og1cn1 Candldate for the Offlce ls thc pleeent Chlef Deputy fjherlff Bd Dowd.. Ed Dowd has worked fslthful];r and cheerfully for the people of thls Co'rnty and 1t 1e only flttlng thcit he contlnue to provlde uB wlth hle exceptlonal abi,ltty. All of us w111 conslder 1t a pr1vl1ege to aerve unde:^ hln durlnf the follorvlng term. por the record all of us &re 100 percent behlnd Ed Dowd and wlsh to take thls opno:-tunlty to ask eYery cltlzen of thle cotmt'r to Jotn wlth us anrl get behi,ntl Ed Dowd next ipr1l 10th. fr8"-';