J t:,f b- / J { t I \.r "$'ri 6f 1,,,,:,r:. 1r.r, as @ of their Ctvic affalrs ProJotB hold a Rtonago Sale Lt the iic6ory Anertoan Legloa H411. the sal.'e_vas highly euooessfuL al1d the net trroceod.s rhero d.onatecl to the MoSFr:f 999ty Cerobral.Pllol-trtDd. Tbo eheek donated, totatea oao Er,u.drod, fltnty - trro Dollars (i192.0O), tft to Right: ?im Ballore - hesiderxt r,ienory 1te Rodg; Gahr Sohroeder - frea8. of tho Tle Rod.a; to H.trerroaa - yloe prosideDt of the It e Rode; Bob llllLos- Preeidat of the iT?reelers Hot Rod CIub; Urs. Charlea ldtller - presid,@t tlg MoEo.ry coEty cerebral Palsy Associatlm; lteeley Frtb).a - hbLlctty chalrma 9f for the Paley J\md. drlve. CER!;ijBAL Rod's fA.l,SI !'III{D (j:l\Il,IU - .uo4s[rJr II8ooJ,?rE rle! lluq urql,, rr surrJtrrsrrrr.E, f,t ulr ErE VOTE FOR DOWD REPUBTICAN CANDIDATE FOR EDWARD A. A IRIBUTE (Couttruea) Dia.e OLszetwski r .Judi Palmbaahl fiaroro Reed., Diaae Rotheringr Joare. Schroodor, Ci.ndy Smith, iriariorl Staage, Itqncy Stoin+ bach, J"'rice Sturo, Cerrle Taylorr Katry Thompson, Grace YttaLe aad. Gatl Yotulg. Ca,ud.y Strlpers are jtmior voltmteers., ill y*s old al'd up urho serre hospltels aad Accord.ing to f,Ihe Hodonr ilosp5.ta3.n rnagazine, thero are approxl'na+ tely 1.)01000 Caady Stripers Ls bWl of the lntieurts. SHERIFF OF MgHENRY COUNTY c,lPpr s hospital-s in the ilaited. States. fhe glrl are invaluable ia porforming a cotrstruotive eerrrice to patlo.te rmder trrofessioaal gr:idanoe of supeirrision' Pi4N TO A?TroD 8bh. 3nnr.uI Paaoako DaY, Alnerican Legion iiBlL,.McEenry, i"!ay 5th. 8:]0 A.fi. to 6:00 P.Ii. sPoaaored bY BoY Soout Troop #L62. PIa$ to Attend.