NOIIVISICS'I 'IVNOIIVN NI sIsruIINt uno,l. oNv nol. rNlstudru ,rrE a{q: saYPT silrNnoc I)Y] 0NY l.uNtHrw I NOOs UOJ or Nvw rHr oEertq: 0ututer! tee$l Jeg r@f .S . nl uPDa{nP 1 vaqg r The New LZth Congressional District . . . Lake, McHenry and Boone Counties have a combined population of over 400,000 people. It is a composite of the entire nation with its industries, colleges, com- merical enterprises, resort areas, deep sea harbors, naval and military establishments and modern dairy and livestock farms. The problems of this district are varied and complex. A is needed for this district, who as a member of the }fouse of Representatives in Washingtion, will understand these problems and will speak for Congressman REPU ' BLICAN APRIL you and your interests.