lX',IAj.:tS CLUSS Ill ICiLXiIiY COUI,?Y, S;T SIPT 28 J,riD 29 D-'i:S IOii l2'uli. r-r.lU.d, IXDSI DAY -rillr;UT S.i'[]i. iucllerrry corzrty r';i.11 go "nutsrt oYer rnillions of peanu'Ls to be distributed by Xleilenry County I'5lra:ris Cltr.bs. On the 2Eth and 2Bth. vohnr.teers wearing the official lS,vraois ovorseas caps rrilll offer bags of peerruts to tho goneral public to raise f\-aad.s to help fiuance year rolmd actlvities ancl lrogrsJns for traadicapped aod rmderprivi 1e ged. chi ldrear. the sale is coducted. by officiaL authorizatio. of the vlIlage or tonrrr board.s of individual torms and suburbau coronm.itles. As in the past, InCIney oolLected by the individuaL clubs wilL be used in the partioular cormwrity or tpmr in whicl: the fiuds aro raised. Eaoh suburban conu'atm.lties in Cook, Iake, DuPage, I(ane, i'r1.11 ancl trlciiary Counties, Illinci's r.r.ncl Lake CourQr, Indians. Apgroriraately 10O ffi.ryaais Clubs will p.rticipte ia 'che saLe. Ifi.naais Clubs aro senrioe orgAroizatioas of business ard trrofessloaal learlers whose objectivos aro to red,er senrioes to Srouth, to their conurr.u.ities and. tho natio. ALl clubs naintain progrFms to help kids whererrer thoy can, especially tho l-egs fortrnate ccres. support s';ato vri.<Ie progra^ns. last year nore ti:arr 1001000 boys and girls in i;ire state berofitod from ftmds coilected or iGdst Day., Du:'iug t'ne L)62 drive, peanuts will be soLd c& street cor:rers in Chica5o a:rd cltib cotributes sone of tlie money to SAVE TODAY Our Services aao FOR YOUR HOME OF TOI\AORROW! ToYou... 1 Traveier's Checks 2 ]{oney Orders 3. Regular Savings Accounts 4. Investment Savings Accounts 5. Christmas Savings Accounts 6. Home Mortgages 7. Home Improvement Loans B. U.S. Government Sqvings Bonds 9. Night Depository Gan garn mor: Wfry O" satisfied with l'e55 - when you with rafety' Earn the highest rate of dividend consislent SAVE FOR YOUR. TOTAOR.ROWS - TODAY! 4/o% 4rtl2o/o nf *Hi# savings Accou:nrs 3f r**:enr Accounts Savings Availability EVergreen 5-30q) l:'*r:i'E tri'H* t'ffii :l51I W- ftm Street McHenry lllinois