'rr * rs EAsTER To cRow IN.DIGNITY TIIAN TO MAKE A'STAR.T and., IEeEonry Coru,ttrr Fuad tr&s, Ulchael Stompnato, Co-Chairua:x. X[rs. Harth ln aceepbtag the chairmaaship otatod., t am partiouJ.arly hcarored, to be ehoaa as thls is me of the aoet. rorthy e*rraes I hesr. Cerebral Palsy has ao favoriteg aad oaa aad. doos Etrike people I?on all ralks of life, auSnrrhere, antrrbiue.r f;he tr*gio fe.ot is that esreb,ral lalsy'rtrihes 6c6ry $ ainutea sorae. shers la tho neti.me Drive Chair:nan I aEF:AD. sgEIItIZ, 0[I IEEIR iTmDrfie t]Nrym,s,l8T, 0CIOBER lL, 'zHD. If,AI{y }ORX EAppy EARS OCSffiATUIAECNE ICI TEII.ARD .AI.ID TEBESA I SIBLItr, gEtrTRlIA]I 0F fEE Moffi$RY cols{tr DE}&CRA3[ C @l{lRAL ooffr[tltBE grctlIBID, ITIrE ffiGRESSUAS SIIXEY XA.3ES, ,SMSDER IJU|E. AT A RECENT CIORS BOIL IE' WM. TATES IS TEE DEIEOffiArIC C.AIIDTDA{E-FOR U. S. SESAI0R" Dsa Pasley Photo. ilc,gnrrn*i, palsy FlrsD m.rvE cEf,tRHAfr NAUEDII oclOBER 23. uAnre Tffi $AfAL DAy 0F IffiES S0EIIITZ 3&D XAIIDE Srgm,$E[ffi, E3tE 0r IEE rrT.l.rcE otr !{c cutlp!{ IaKE" ft pns EEADQUARTm,S oPffi si* "P, B' tcvosquo, giratrraaan MeEmqr J. _ Sorot$r ?dlLlor, I[oEarlr Cgmty Ccrobrq3, Prlsy AgsooLatiea Festdotr toihy nameei !&s. Hsrest Earth of IoEgr;r, lae, Ca.ry, lneciaet nan Algoagtr1lr Ut N Temu laGraad, hrrard trneoilnet Chmrm,g 2; &rry ELrre, Gryatal l.eho, Breoinot fruada Couty eatral Bctrubltoaa Cwdtteo, today rvraotllgcd tbe openlag ef t]re *omttrr ReprbJ"leaa Beadquarters rt 2L[ W* .IeokEer ecross thc street ltom tbe telephm.e bd.Lri.pg la doatorn ttosdstock" tcoaque aased. J. R. EoJeres, popular scodstoek auto daler rB headquertors ohlrurl,, ts be assisted. bV .Ialaes luf,aat* ]; Jolo ll.oaetre Wo CrrrY l.ehelaitd Park, lEOtlND Cfl$lt AtTlD tytt/GIAm1;1tO orf,c il.rrlls ff rypj1il-* liB N. Richrncnd L rrrul Rord GD. r Full Linc of GREEIING CARDS for All Occosionr in the tolest Derignr llcHonry, lllimil Phim ey *X161 teUS end SUIIDR|EE ImtX'S (FomrdV W.ilh. Druel A]IDERSO]I TREE SERVIGE The Quality of Our Work ls Our Best Advertising PLANTING TREE SURGETY - REMOVAL SPRAYING TIREPLAGE WooO Ph; Wccdrooct FE ]2591; fcHoary EV $25" @AD ED tElD - ORYISlleHentl, lllinoir 37ll W. frplo Avenur -