Thank God You Are Living ln the United States frIEN'S. LADIES' SUITS TO ORDER ALSO REPAIRS ?'ntl /. ?ak"ha CUSTOM TAITORING SUITS Fnom #45 EV $3'l?C uP La{ies Woolen and Fur Coafs Shortened - CODE al5 5n0 wESr PARK V|EW VILLAGE OF MGCULLO,f, LAI(E E Brandenburg Rd YOUNi MAS IS A BIVBSIDE DRIIE BUSISESS I,lAt{ 1{90 HAS JIIST RETURN$ FBCIi{ DMB EUNTIIW. EE IS lBY ACIM IN COI,0IUI'TIEY AI"SaIRS AIID HAS l#,IriI ERIB{DS IN IEE l,lcHEGY ABEL. MI$ I'OBS PICTURI fiIlSSING! PROMPT ANG| and Route 12 Ingleside, Illinois 385{16t INGI.ESIDE PLUIABING Repair and Jobbing Residential - Industdal - Commercial tuffiffiffieffiffi eLee$@s .f tu mBweffig, &, ffi. ffiBgryffiffi * ffiv6s #xAsffis& Sp eppelntmsal i*lcHcnry, lllinois ffimp*w ffimrfuww ffi$xmp !Bl1 &$we&s @fu fupse l3m ru. Rlckond Roed ls* @s $cessh S$d"s e6 ffis{r&* nAY PLt trttrd$Kf;, pr*pricr*r $ftS .t Phone EV *2262 Bufch * emr gsrs - SXnf yope T&Fffitus ffim*Vffi-r?{ HIGHWAY ffiffiruffiffi 3I AhID CARY ROAD ALGONQUItr,8, !L-LINOIS Spata,*V*og Daalg c* Sa.a&t Adca Chicken . Turkey " Bar-B-e Back Rlbs .:: < .-- I .,. i, $s1f ' g h**fs ".!* ':. Shrimp and Fish Fries Delly CALL OLiver 8"7585 FOR TAKE.OUTS t:.,-