wryryffi'-.*_6f-:. gls$ srDE EmE - eE Fgx IAf,E - rucloslffi tx r9io. A 60 R0oti EItsE trrm Ell.r tEE x00u qql, IIts Esrs ov5arogffie rpx r,a"6"-'mrurrror,r,v rsca,rsD qjlq a&Es oF nrcE rr. srsERE lBs&iF*#B op LAxE {m, q4rr,ry: rc tqS,.I ,2{. ffiffi%e"dffi;*"r*r-Itri-nour,rnr lBolt,ry:ffi lsD PER DAY, RATEs, nor,r{e-b. $2.00 mlg !6a6.rmw1-iinr'e'p15ps l1ro lrerrnei of Eoraoe '&eerPE61 HEEtr IIP. CEIIflBESTIEALtr fRICE. Pholo CoErtesy &c trm&ou l*fl,frE EESfTrIrIES ghs ledtes sf Ths l*ke hela the!.r amnua[ Chrietiltaa ptyr Sbnraday Deio" 13 fu the hone of 8a11Y 01e4. ll$hat basement waa dgcoratsd $5"00 d.oor Prlza rres wm bY eethsr nerr nembgr Es3,e Ssbs&6. TEnnerg a doltghtfirl party tbey had' for tho,Ztr rmtrere that attodEd. tha arnmtal net and Joarlne trdai!.. X\Fo of the pnLzes were donated b5r l&e . Luto aad Fraak Polodna. A rhiaestme neoklaoe and oarrtag sot ras raffled off and wqn b3r our noet recat uer ne'Bber, l[argo 01ssa. the erg E?ict iegtlve taDle ooverirg8. The d.oor prlzes rrsro'wul try Stret Bergl laail, Ali.oe Gustafsoa, Edtth Eadle' trees, oolored foll rlth tlaeol, ortr etres.u- Bim, ldarge Stacblek, lderge 01o4, Se1ly Olsarl,ois Paia$.r ElEa $elao,, Irura SLater aad Alt oe Gustafso. Tho ptzee Tere a Jutoe'deeaater, Clrrlstneg torola3 a Brancty glase, a:r aeh tray, e OH.ehag corsage *a p* and a rellsh traY. A dellolous buffet Euppor vrae aorred vrhtch ccarsistea of hot baked' are as fo1lrys;Gr666 ETnsf, Harlle !{e of the gaees that sere played salad, ldfuey bea.n sqlad, Jellor.egg " salad, buts, oLived, ld.elc1as, coolC.ee, two ca.kes sJrd ooffoe. egg nod rras srved,' luu, Potsto frutt Pts.ch ancl llo,n ol4*,,r\h*i*vnas a,nl.ll*pry J[ *Vr*