ffiay'* Barfuer $fuoP llt lhlg Erd ca sar0ft $d! ca frrec fD IAY tl-llGlll5fl, ;rpboor lrrtcf Crer Crrl lBh, -=? Alt Gcrwc*l Ot0ica futd&Ee TYFEWruB?SRS LEA&'A'G }NANDg A9{S A&OBH& &&}ffe$G$ &888Tfi& ffiffiewsK ffiffiws.&ffiffiffiffiw tttl W. Ctrn Srner phorr Ey t{tt ,;rr i;.,il#rl;1;iir:,, ffiffiWS ffiAKgffi& * SYSE B$&Mffiffiffi 6$fu &reee 83 epemOw* Xeffi i{. Rtehcrnomd u, ;.:i t'y6g;r* ;i, Ra*d fu}lemrry- 838$c?*Er Fhomr EV $m6e lfr Csrry e Holl Llnc d * &ftEETING AftES $or Afr[ &eeBiom in thc Lofcs0 Dc*$6m* sH0F, coR]{ffi. CIr uAiffi fJI& reos? $TREE16" LHFf rO RIGHS* J$ffi ffi3LI"&; lAAf t LAUERS, THS ?fiIRS e{&f XS SSIpEHtIFtrm" photo by e*ur*eruy ef &nna Hil"tar - Reproduced {r PH0T0 TEE !{I!,I,ER Eg-&0gsHltg f$Xm ffiBR S0 yE.flRs "*c0 Il{ r'R0N? ImWffi'S mffiS sad SUtDffi8GS SFrmrtf W.llL Dnd for a whtle end oan be reaohi rith get wol} oards at 3?l.L Sr Xcmeasky, Ohloago ?$n fl1tnotr. fe hope to Be hlla up t around 8o@r Chester Eelrlg, a rosldent of the Ylllage.of llo0ullm Lake, ia oonf lned to UoEenry f,oapltal.. Get IfeII oards may be cent to hln at the hoepltal. Ee ts progreeelag nlooly. All hls frlendp and nclghbore wlsh hlm a speedy '."ooyotlr llno A Rcd Tnd Home-tadc Soup Hrrr*urgtrr rnJ Orb, ln .t ?h: CY. $taa, for Or&rr !o Trlo Orrt- ic lc.rrG The QualW of Our Work ls Our Bcst AdYertising C'r j L-il Ioutsg's Snach Shop *r, *. Rivcrgi&