\I T\1' PE(}PI-E II ,\\'E \TL'(II{ TO L1\'E ON' A)i1) LITTLE TO LIVE OR Plotured are those rho wero presaat for the final moetlng of tho flrst olass ln EDUCATIO}I FOR SURVIVAI, CI,A,SS MEEIB Eduoatlon for Survlval, sponsored by HoBenry Civtl Defsnss. Frcm, left to rlght seated aro, Louls Marohl, Rlohard Papoiak, John Dwna1skl, Boa X" and EarI Kcnnebeok. Standiagl Eaanle l"sleten, Direotor of Clvil Defenea John J. Shay, Frada Duaalskl, Davo Kannebeok, E Johnloa, Eugh and lr:ol1le Fannlng, Bernerd ead eathorlna Bauer, Virgi"I Buroh, Cl:rletj.ae Xonoebeok, IltlX"lam and Carol Bolgar aed Euane "Andreae, who was tli,e lae*ru.ston of tho s&urs6n ?ha plotune xae te-kem by nJaines Byk*wskt, alm* a graduate of *hq olase " If any psrson le lnterested 3"r ne6lete.'* lng for aeother oour:e of thle type, thcy nay do so by rrlttng to ldoEonry 01v1I Defeasa, l[oEouny, I1]. or phontng 585-2404. Wo i Crry o Eull Ltm af, GREETlr"lc C6uRp$ ?he luality of &mr Werk &aen &em* &&mrtisicsg 8w $wr 4fl8 fficessEoms $m thw &wes$ Deoigew ffiWffi*ffi ffiffiffiffiMffi$ffiffi8ffie {kwsw-p W& M ffi&ffi. ffi" $wm&wmu & Swmg ffias$Bmrmffi ffimree 3519 W. Elnn &mfuaeffimmee S$ree$ "Aeross fraass the Bank" Fkome Elf 5-24E& EU 5=24{}0 RESGUE BffitrATI{;NG EqUEPMffiffiT Ywe-Way ffied$e Dispate hed