ATTDERSOH TNEE SERYICE REMOVAL PLA!{TIHG TREE SURCERV - WOOO _ SPRAYIXO FIR&PLAG P(JIIdI}IITIO}I EATE JI]{NOU}ICED Rtrohard L. ?azorell, Count5r Suporlnten' deat of Sobootrsr announocd the exaratrna', ?&.: Wcaddsce fE &r59*,f,c${oary EY $2576 GoAB - otsvlg Me!'{enty' lltlmsll Avomuc 37ll W. tfteple 88 REIO tloa for provlalonal teaohlng oertlflaates rl}l be held at 9s00 A.I{., Frlda/ Sarolr ].5th tn thc eourt Eouse rtnnex !'n Eoodatooko haso a letter of appro"Appltsents muat vatr frcm the Ii.l"lnols State feaoher CANDilHS CQSfuTETICS Cortifloatloa Board, rhoxlng they are ollglblo to wrlte tbis exaxalnatloa. An applloant maet have at }eaat 9O ames*er hourE of orodlt earaed, lnolud; lag nlnc oorester hours of professloaal edusatlos, unlesa the app!.ioant hoLds a oo!.}ege dogree. Hitir a dagrea, tha I heun naqulrement of, odueatloa 1s saivadr Al), peroons deslring t+ xrlte the Xarah l$tb axwtnatlsa for a Provlsloaal teaehlng serttftrsate, should aotlfy the eount3r Superlntaeae=i af Sohoola Cffioe YOHLffiT pffiffisffi.BrTE,&?*S BTffiEES FB&.tuffim C&nEFUttY mffitffiffiR's DRUG STORE lzlD X. Orrrn ln Woodstock* at -fJ,*, r' o::Ce Stt.r EV 5'{tO0 fufuffi&he Nmw ts No suRpRISF more magical tha' the surprise of being loved. It is God's finger on man's shoulder. ... CHARLES MORGAN s$edddeeaer*d dfu'fu fry. tlry a t2O .tia trdorr Lrno,}i!lr W'd d ngrerV s*al til. el ? f.n D3it , ErG'Pl toe&V ClaJ nodqr. 5 r'nu b| 9'm'