&ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi i]r;:,i:$:1:1{ 1r:i,": 'ri:.lii: f ;ir1: '.:.ii,,.., F$ffi$L'g*{:$ f.. ffi^"ffi"m i',-I:, ffi$ffi ]lJ{1 " \'? fai -1 I .4,. .\ -lirnY+t (:i. ,ij -: onty $4L88 l(X)'r of olher Money-Saving Bargains Bedcpreads Dishes Clothing -Phonographs - Televidon -Giftwares Selr, elc. Tools - - o o r YOU CAN BUY ON CREDIT CATALOG ORDERS WITHIN 24 HOURS FAMOUS BRAND ITEMS &A?E FOR I.SSISTA}IT SUPERYISffi &ffiffiffieGeN& ST&RES A${M CATALOG OI.,,T[.ETS ?53& F*" Riverside Frive fifle!'lanny, !llEneis mfFI{SHIp, ABIL Z, 1985. 53 year etrd f,d Btras was born .A.prl1 17, 19e9, attanded St.Maryte Grade Sohoal aad HoEenry CoEe. Btgh Sohooln EE marriad Joaa Eayo tho daughter of, Hr. & Srs. Stova Hay, Joh:re'&rau6, tr, }IoEENRY PHONE 38S4080 OPEN DATLY SATURDAY g.Atl" ro 5 P.M. FRIDAY-9A.tl.to9P.M. .- l0 A.l,t. io 5 P.ll" ketuffiffifue ffiCIw ohll"dron rsnglrg la age fr,a 5 to 1? yee. He te a moraber of th6 Oatho].to Srder of Forasters, 3{ooue and Kalg}rts of Columbue. H.* i.a the ?reasurar of tl,le Maflenry Country Club aad a Past heai.dcut as rell as a preeout Elreotoe of the Me$enry Cbau?rer ard 5.g nw the fath*r of five of Oommerooo S&cei W, #ewpswM Wf;DBfrhJGS #,wd#e .Af{p &rHqR E&KSRY &S**rS FSR ffi rc W Qualig Bakery Goods CLUB LUNCI-IEONS or for HOME AFFAIRS Hourr: 6 r.m. lo 9 p.m. Deily Ercept Sundey 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Clored Mondeyr REYHA]IT'S BAI(ERV LAKELAXO PABT Roulo 120 rnd Motdow Lrno, lA f,ih Wrrt of tcHonry EVo796rs6 5.3m1 Home ilade Candies