THIHG Fatrmmp$xw ffiEsr ffidvert*xers trfl.a6ner*Sns&s&r, SAS SkB83dffi, showra at h$"E dee$, s&d wl.fa Hale&s ara notr BoXe owuors of hge ffimy'w ffimfur SfumW lffiMffiamm$@ffi#sd&ffilsclffi Pev ffi"&ffi$8ffiffitu @, s# * &ffiw e*- $tsl?ry Y8E FLANTIXG . RE'n$VAL $PR YIXG FIREPLAE WOOO P&": Weoddock Fffi &3ffi8; ffeHoory Glt #?5P6 SE.J&GERV At&ffimffiffi YmEE SEmWB*ffi * eloasere n &ao eud hls wLfo reoently purchaeed the alook taeterest i.n the oorporetlon of fioraoe R" and d,}Sce Waguer* Cree*er & lYagner orl6lma3ly SormaA a g:artaershlp and *stabllshod'&a$rebm #Ioarore elevor years 8so ltte braslm&fis wag ohanged tcr a oorpors^tl"os truo ysers agc, wtth ctook dj.strlbuted 5O-80 be*weea tha two pert_ &orcr Ac of Feb, 1, 3.g$g, Sagnor is no Iongcr e etookholdsr $.n the bielnossn tora of H,atnbw Ino. - sw&ere and opore Sloanarm and Gem }-trour . lfirr* & Rd Treee EB R&$ffi *- OBt ls &s&m W. &lapE* &vemwe S*e*{are*"y, SYll 0f;ome-ffi& 6El!ma}s ln G.rr".l Otfic. A;;h. w?Ewr[cr3 am lootrc tlclllxcg LErDlrc trlE ItxttD IffiTUSE NEWS,AGEf,CY W. llclhrfrr rrt Ofr Sat& ?l: EY. $La, for Olln lo l.f. qr. Cba f.a6 Soup Gsee% ttll tkn Srrrei ?hco lV 5.l0lt Iourse s $naclr $hop; N" Rivr*idr