DoN,t FcRcEt ro votu - $c HEiqBy rffis* sErf Blac?ro$, ?gslDl,Y, AmrL u, 1965 Wo CatrT e hrll Lln C Deeigre &,**a Hf,rt*adccy wE_ Affiffiffi$8&tr LE&t0ffi S{arch 15-17 GREETING CARDS $or All Occarionc in iho !,otsd {$receg Wsls ffiWffi'$ ffiffiSsnd3tmffiffi M T*ae Qus$r*y o$ $ur Warfla $s {Enar ffies& AdYefrlsEmffi Htgh Sohool, Frlday, liaroh gth. ?bc gaJor addrsso vaa glvan by Dr. tlolrn E. furbay, lnternoatioaally kimn laoturcr, author and rorld air cosrmuter. Sr. Ralph Gn Slobole, hoad oi tfro'Anr_ tsrlo &sparkent at tha Bnlvcrslty of lIl"suesota, a uatloaally knoru speakor and wrltEr oa prableaes in oormuiloation epokc at the aftsraoon eesslon, ?ha So&onr1y Couaty Teeoharc r laetitutc waE hold at thc Soodstook Conurualty a $,e $ v a.EiEtE E* e .-?=X Fp g orrl= E o !d (} EFEfrE Z ;-f Bx Se3 ctt4:! EE P (UJ if +t .H d.;{E EE 5 9rH il t: H C) F c) 5EH 'o--o '=4HO A. 5 a .H #, O br E- E - r!-d ,- >.{-{ Ar A-.d XH Y.i{ CJ E 'rl H D iffggsiffg* t.E U)A= v z K o o ig*glt tgffg * I( Da EfrE H *r-.. I .,cox f; tr i s 3E# ; e> i' rE s .. gp O cd= E r: $ffi#*B*E E E Ef d Ls8. HEEEi