DO YOU WANTA FULL.TIME Clarence Regner is a -pative of McHenry torvnship and lives rvith his family at Pistakee Bay. Clarence and Estelle have four children 1 trvo boys, John a junior and Robert a senior at Marquette University and tu,o daughters, Ruth O'Gorman and Linda in first year high school. Clarence is 50 y'ears old and orvns his orrn home, been a real estate talpayer for oter 25 years. t' VOTE TAXPAYER.'S TtrCKET B CLARENCE REGNER for McHenry Township HIGHWAY COMMISSIONER His trucking and contracting business in the past have given him much expe- rience in tou,nship roads and his interest in and knolvledge of road u'ofE rvas a deciding factor in his running for this position. His father also rvorked on torvnship roads, but in his day the rvork rvas done by horse and wagon. Clarence betrieves the township road and bridge progra-ftr can operare independently as a unit by itself, free from. . politics or confiicting interesr. He will act in the besr interest of the taxpayer by representing therc all in making it a FUi-L-TIn[E position. Clarence Regner is a member of St. John's church, Johnsburg; iMcHenry Council Knights of Columbus; Johnsburg Community Club; Royal Order of Moose and Pistakee Bay Improvement .latter Assn. In the associatitn he has been a member of the road committee for many years. Good road.s can be rnaintained by an experienced lvork crew, under the super- &em ghc vote Sor CLEffiEilCE MffiGHffiM texpoyer's *ie ket frs m vmte for esenom$eel experieF*ce emd vision of a FULL-TIME Road Com- ful$-tnnre dedlcatiom to th e rnissioner. taxpayer& freo from ee$?fllct. A vote for CLARENCE REGNER is a vote for GOOD.GOVERNMENf ed iqg frntqrests, thk rar prld for by r troup of ftx P*yera lnterertcd ln Battpr Roeda I