Yote PROGRESSiVE Apri! 2nd WALTER. J. (WALLY) DEAN For Supervisor Served Four Active Yeors os Assistont Supervisor Experience for this Office is very essentiol THE SUPERVISOR ol NlcHcnrv -I-o.lvnslri1.r iranclles abour a QUARf'ER NIII,LION itftt.t.eni annually of the tax])ayer's llx)ltcy. He hartrllcs ull the relici cases lvhich slior-rld be scr'utinizcil r..cry thorouqlily, he is bookkeeper anrl rre:rsurer of the Roarl & Itiitige Fund-, he is a member of the Iloartl of Hcalth, tre:isurer of the T'ownshill Brrilrline Funr[, cLlstoclian of other funds such as'bontls, et; In rttlclition to the above rnentionerl tluties, he reprcsents the 1;eople of a responsibilitv, and if at all ylossible we shoulcl have a Suirerr.isor lvith previor-rs-crlrericnce. \,Valter |. Dean has htrrl that expcrience, hus thc time is qr.rite- NIcHenry Tou,nshil.r on rhe Criunty lloarcl. dil rhis W,\LTEI( J. DEAN, 48, has been a rrsidenr of X,{cHenr1, 'T-o.nvnship ior' l! rears. FIe is jrrst cornpieting iti-s -irli ve:rr :ls lin -l\s.istaltt Su1,,er visor. ,,i ,.r1tlHenri '1 ,,rr';rrllip, being onr: oi the rnoit ;ri:lir.e i:nemircrs on tltc (.orirrty lJr;arrl. l{e has serveti on tite loiloir,ire {li)}irriiiitrL;s: l'ublic Itrrilriines, Rule-u it RegriirLticr:i louirrs, lrrd Sperial Brirlge. fltrrairman oi: 'Llle!ms & (lelrr:r'ri Assislarrcr: ro I)ePerrrlent flhililreri, [.ir.i1 Deirrr:i: ;rnrl Legisiativr" He is vcrv rlevored io Iiis .,i.crk in 1{cHent'i' -i-orr'rr:;iril;. \ItHrrtrr. (,uu;:tr arril olhet. (lit ic C)r'etlizeti,tns. iIallr .u, ur iorurct- a,rrl.iic,- :irtrl o1:el:rlul ,)l Iitttt.5l1:1 r \[ ,1it,t r,]rit]r ire.,,l,l irr l:,i:;, -\t 1;r esent he is Ge neral ]IarraEer. ol ][cFlertr-r Irer-soire.l Loan Colp. His rrrost r:apable r^'ife, Florrircr, tloe. Illr nlajoritv of rite r,'ork iit-tlte oifrr:e, u.hich gil'es him the tinre to de',ote to Torinship anrl Coun"tr, ,,r.or.k. antl County duties, as eviilenced by the numbcr "hii; oI r'oininittecs he has servt,,-l on iir the I):rst lorir years. You need nol be regisfered anrl is allvavs r,viiling to cicvote that tirrre to his Tirwn- I PROCRESSIVE PARTY Fcr Supervisoi to yole on April 2nd QUALIFICAfiON5 sre: Citizen of United Siotes [5i Wolter J" Eeon Fo r' 2l yeors of 9O 3O oge Assisfqnt Supervis<.u Vote fcr Two Cor,rnty One yeor resident of Stote doy resident of doy resident of precincl f] [! Thomos H. Fluemomsr Edword J. Buss Vote FROGR.ESSIYH April 2rd EDWAR.P "$. {E*DEE) Bl',IS5 For Assistont Supervisor &{cHenry businessmon who hos been T*'* very octive in Civic Affoirs in McHenry oreo. the EDWARD J. Bt,iSS, 33, a, native of l,{cHenry attendecl St. trIarv's Gramnrar .School encj greduarecl {rorn IllHenrv Hrgir in 1947. He has been associatcd u,irh his t:ither, rr iormar Alrlerm:rn, in the ilu...r'lior,; Saies & Serlirr-, sinr:c l9-i7. lrr the vear' 11)5! lir lrc, quircri thc bLisirir,:ss solr:1r,. ii l:ir:h lie has sin' r , ,r ri.: ;Lterl le rv sur:i essiu1ir,. -{n l!i.13 i:e marriecl rire fr_,r r:1,., fo:rn IIar oi .|r:lrnsburg. T'ilev ari: iire 1;i"o'.rri i,,,,, ol tl-irce r:harn-rirrg iXaugirters an,,l nr',i suns. I}kiic a llast 1ir-esirlent of tl're \[cFir:nr;; Ch:tnrber oi t-i,irr metce anrl is at the irrcsrer tirne t lrcrrtber of iht Roard of Directors of this r.erv FROGtrIESSIVII organization. FIe is noiv sen ing ils trr;iiurel' o[ tht: t\IcHenr,v Countrv CIub and is also a rncrnber oi tirt \Ir Henrl \luo.c. , r :::::::+t:1-t:::++;::.4:, THONIAS H. HUEMANN, 2!1, a native o[.)o]rrr:,biir11 a':.1?.rj::.::r!,:;aa.: Vote PROGRESSIVE April 2nd e;ry7ha 'e. attendecl NlcHenry High ancl thc []rrivrrsirr 11 \,.' ' THOMAS H. HUEMANN For Assistont Supe.lvisor Treosurer of the Johnsburg. Com- M?M "| -t : munity Club for the second term. Youth Activities hove been of moior concern to him. wlffi I):rme. He scn'ed in thc [,lniterl Stlrtrs ,\i" l]r.rrii r;; Texas ancl had extensivc trailing irr Stati..1i1; Lr, ;iices in \\'ashington, D.C. He is enrplovccl b..'liis l:rtirtr in tlie \\rcll (-iontr;tctirrg business. In 195ir irc rrt:rlrirr! tire forurer L)arlene Anclreas of Ringrvooci. -I'hcr, uic th6 pa1sn15 oI tlirce children, T isa (i, Kirrr 4, ancl .]oe :i. Torl has servecl as Youth f)ircctor o[ thc (]lrtlri,lii Orcler o[ Foresters Court No. 96 lor tw() yelr\, crrjul, ing the pnrticipation by approximately 175 bols. Tr,in recognizcs tlie progress of the efficient govelnrncnt ol' IIr:Henry Township ancl rvoul<[ apprrecilte thc t.rpllrrrtunity to have a part in the continuance thercof.