DO YOU WANT A FULL TIME ROAD COMNilISSIONER? . g,PERIET{CED rrr'\rn3 rnd c\rotrrc'tln3 trusincss in thc 5uu hrrt 3rrn hrm mwh expcriencl in 1.'rrn*hrp ntds Rcarrr's intercst in end \6rrhl3t of rtred work have been a I 8? forrr of da'rdrn3 frctor in his candi&cY \.(}TE TA\PAYER'S TICKET ts cL,&R.ENcE REGNER. o ffiuLE- TBflffiffi Regner maintarns the position of Highway cornrnissioner must be a full-time job. Go,od roads can be maintained by an experienced work erew, under the supervision of a Full-Time Road Commissioner. A vote lor VOT'E TAXPAYE.R.'S TICKET GLARETCE REGNER on the toxpoyer's ticket 8J cuRENcE O REGNER is a vote for FREE FRoT PARTY I1{FLUEl{CE R.egner believes the township road and bridge program can oPerate independent from politicd ties. A vote for Regner is a vote independent from political ties. economica! experience and full:tlme dedlcation lng lnterests. to the tarpeycr$ troG from cofilllct VOTE TAXPAYEAJS TICKET EI cmRENcE REGNER Elqction: TUESDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1963 for McHemy Township HIGHWAY COMMISSIONER REGNER ir'a votc for GOOD GOVERNMENT A votc for CLARENCE This ad qponrcred by MeHenry Torrnship Citizens interested in Good Roads.