WCIte ffer ffiffiffiffitffiffi m. ffiffi{BWro CANDIDATE FOR [$!cE$emry Yowaaship Electiosl ffi&3ffi'ffiffir#Effi#ffi Hmprmwermemt Fan-tp #priE 6 A"M. TCI ffi P.Afl. S I am ta},:ing this means of presenting my kreliefs. ccnvictions and qnalifications Srrpervisor'. for the office of ll?ie offite cf Supervis*r is tne. of the rn*st important *fflces in the Ccurtl ic,i iitr sii;ipie. ald hriman l:eallolls that ii rieals rvrth the lveliar* of all the people of '"he Tu+irsirip. pariicuia:.).;' uiti: the poor. l.Lre "rid and the uitl+rtu]-:.a!e, all r:f th,rse ia need of County aid. Illcst :pe,ci."icail;,. ii Ceals with the sil.e'nding of the mone)," qrf the tax pa3,ing citlzens in good healti:. Xt is my i:elief that politics shoulci not ent*:r i:rto this cantest. That is the reascn I have refrained from attending meetings enCorsed l"^y politicai parties. Xf I cannot win on m:/ own merits then I am n'rt the man to fiil this most important job. necessary I will have the time to devote to this most important job. I have had eight years as dlderman cf the City of MeFIenry. During that time I served on and have been chairman of Comrnittees most eoncerned with ttre operation of a governing body, i"e., Finance, Locai Improvements, Streets and Alleys, Purchasing, Farks, ancl Pubiic fropelty. L:*perience on these committees means experience in buclgeting, appropriation, an<l planning for ^the good of the community. Being free -o_f dealings and scrupulous accounting llgas_e take my qualifications political entanglements in the I can pledge thoughtfui, unbiased consideration, hor.esty administration of the office. in all Town- ship Improvernent Party on in account and place your X before my name and grat of the April 2nd, 1968. CHARLIE BROWN