ffiffiw ffimffi$$ ffi&$Mffi e ffimWffiffiffiV ffi&ffiHmV aand ffieYffiffiffiffiffi @eeeare*fui& ' c RilGCIDEfil66 o e LSOG PABTV 8AlffRlE?S o tuWBS w&rffiseg" e&$B&q,fi@&*8Y ffi eW& @G &rftd&p F e"ere" Se"B& e.flil" *A&L ffiS8l@ [W 9e. &eeem &e&erffU Fatr&mExe (}ur AdwentEuens {JST ISSUE'S PTCTURE GIIESSIIS PHOI0 ffi&S ?HA? fiF' ffTICER B"A&? }EOG&, ff ?HE t{CEEISRY POtrJCE DEP?. YCIUII.L sEE mnu oli HIS MOTffiTgYSg,E Si THE STEEEIE, Tff PERF'CMITANCE ,tr' HIS BUTY. MR. fiND MIRS VtrTER ?his forthcoming eiecticn gives us a, wide .rariet;,' an<i choice of candidates- i-rever i:ei:;.re seer: in our to*'rrshigi elections. This is tlie great lrmerlcan wa-v for which we can be thankful, but it also pcints ;c the i:rescepabie conciusion that our people are no*. exact!.y conient and satisfied with existing conditi,"rns. My purpose in seeking cffice has been unsrverving, to give to the hest of my ability and honesty, to help increase and promote our manufacturing facilities, hold the line on expenditures and taxation and to be a readily accessihle public servant to help in your personal problems. Only a truly independent candidate can foliow this prograrn. May I have your support? ,5&:1 kffirlL tr BERNARD I. "Betrnie" PESGHKE, SR, for McHenry Township Supervisor ELECTION DATE, TUESDAY, APRIL A uorEn's PARTv lndependent Candidate 2, 1963