t * 31,6S@ Am TIIEY t,EO EAIIE I,OTHING m Sry - ,rND CAITI{UI BE }ffi.SU*D@ tCI StlY IE * * man aad Fred [Icyers, Dept. of Rrbllo tTorke & Butldinge, Clt5r of MoEenry. Ia thc future, meetings will bo held fron time to tlnc, for the purpoec of lnformlag the pcoplc la thc MoHeary arca, of thc lndqetrios and thoir problems. Floturcd abcve ars Mtldrcd latetca, Seoretaryn Le.:-ry hl:rd, Vios-Frcsidont, Fraak l,cnu, Frestder:t* Dona1d Doherty, i{ayor cf Mci{enry* *}}"nt fllaypool, i htdCorr.l 50 FRESENT Atr MC iIEINRY CEAMBER CfF CO[. HERCE I}DUS TRI.EL. MEE?INO T Ind'*etrlal SmrErrlttac Chaj.r- #bE #1.:r# F@ qf ffi## ffiru en$ 1# Z.atur ,fk IIII N. FRONT STREET rft6s ?in&.r. ,IGHENRY, ILLINOIS PHONE 385{852 FR.EUND OIL COilIPANY