It is cstlnated that half a niLllon $hrlacrs, their f milies and vlsltors wtll jaor lnto Chlcago for thc gala parades and othor aotivitlas of the 89th trnprassive religlous services at 11 A.!il. Sunday, JuIy 7, ln trdcdluah tcnplo rlll mark tha first offioial aotion of ths Session. Thsre ri.ll bc 'a parade ?ueeday .IuIy 9th at 9r5O l.M" atrd oae at ?:3O P..$r ori ?hursday, July lIth, both oa Mlohigaa Ave. A hugc Ehrlll. Show is oa ths sohedulo at Soldler Fislds Sresday cvaning, July 9th wlth auto recos, darc devll triok driving, orashes cto' Everyone iu Mafde::ry, IlJ"inoir S0050 Fce tal &rsa rdiil" rasc this ZIP Sode on *il. ti:elr co?rspr::lderr*e to specd mettr alivsries a&d redus:e thr* *h*noa of alqeent mai1. U iP Ccde, ti:.e Fost CIffl*e I)*pa:'t:sarite :"*p:lutlsnary rrrtr systsn ef lnip::cved nail dispatch anC deltrary, weat lnte effeet nationallv or: July 1. ?hro ZIF Code ie lit*re.l).y thc iasi word In sall addrasslng, :: should follor the oity and state i= asd::esres; fEFFempIe MoEanry, I}Ilnole 60050r ltre ZIP e ods for &iagwood ls 6OC?t. Egth SIIRINE COIIVENTIOI'i' ,.IULY 7-11 T;*. I Is No suRpRISF morc masical than the surprise of being lovecl. It is Cocl's ftnger on man's shotrlder... CHARLES MORCAN Shrlnors Conwntlon. Wr Crry r Full Li*o ol GREETING CARDS lsr All Oecsrionr in fhE L*atcst Do*ignr I*GWX'5 ilEUS lnd SUXBffiES {naanlcty Udib. Orrrd zIP CCDE FOR UC ESIRY - 60050 K&ffiMwffiM 3le*rfro F5: EU- SUA! fr l0a*nco fo l.&8 lil- Atr tre cqd hd eear$r ThartBe &m tlw M [gutsq's -$meck $hnp ,* x. *;gorunsa Vce.n &re tffi$re t"EssEeM Sgmtes eemr$be Mmw Geo. R. trustem & Som Felneral Homne 3519 tS. Elm Annhulamce EW 5^2400 ffiffi$#$if, BRH&YHrF{& EquEpffiENT Sfreet "Across from fhe Bank" Phone EU 5-2400 Two-Way Radio Dispatched