F}*SEIO$ SE*{ CCiTI!il'ED thls prcscntatloa thc bcet yctr dclloloui tuaol dII bc rorvcd end I many bcautlful door.prlzce rlll tc nehc arardcd. Ttokcta uay bc trurohased fra aqlr EIA mcmbcr, GcrcvlLcvcr-a Drcca Shop or at thc door for thc amlnal donatton of fI.?5. Gct your tlolccts uot. WINi lllERIClS LrerOr lItrILrlRY ScEof,lB+ lfltgs l]lanc lloltrahoa of f,odcr llka hrg bcca arardcd a nurce soholarahtp by thc Dcpt. of IlltaoLe .lucrtoan lagloat lu. Shc le oac of rlx glrlc ln thc cntlra Statc, rho r1I1 rcoclvc oobolarahltrro l[les llol[ahon res sponsorod by $.r- Ihlt. SETP. Tf,DENSOT InfE SITUIGI ICX'YAL ?LAXTI}'C TICC 3T'TGEIY ;IIE?LACE UOO - 3'?TYIIG EV ?L: Urr&ct fC ]2t* fafrt '25ra CD ltlD * OlYl3 COAD niH.ntY, lllinoir 3rtl Ur. ll.pb Annoo EVERY FRIDAY McDONALD'S TAVERN l{on*er Lake , I11, BUsErx Box L57 }'IATIVIfY * 35$6 Ar Horder tr ake Roait * tUfHERillt CHURCH honc 65r-1832 HSH $mV Lobster Tqih Sleqlts -9slo A!.{s Churcb 8cbool. tHt RSDAY et 7 !5O FH: Sealor Cholr rehgareal. Seffilee. ar *,**'3X3.irT;ot*P'ffi3= tcllEtnY Bff,EnY ild Gffiffi e-r&fut* - fEfE- lI . LE rffW .. lflfl!3 . Cflf rlg.lSAt E ra3ttllllr lll3 e..lnhtar,IE;r. c/rU. frif X. ,fitilaalTeUirat... cultou-t$toll Ass,l{, SATURDAY, AUGUST AT THE PAR.K 3rd, lgGt !trr. Ehr; I Ferluring Qucen, Doll Buggy end Bike ontccts , Uturl Adult Gamer rnd Rcfrtahnrcnlr ilcGULIOM IrrE