MC EEMT .IArcEETI r0 ESID ETR-H Thc Jayocca 2d annual Bar-E{ on the YlIL agc Grocn vlll bc hcld lugust 4, 1965 at' thc CIty Park. Ihc nonu 1111 lroludc a 2-i Ib. ohlokca, bakcd potatoce, ook rlr rolle and honay ard ooffcci Thla oan bc catcn at ttrc park or rlll bc paokqd ln Bar-B-Q Ihc ncrt ucctlng of thc lloEcn4r Barraokc of tha Yctcrean of tr.f,. 1, 1111 bc hcld It ? P.I., Ilnrtdayr'lrrg. l, et thc .hmc of Ee_rry Iook, 5119 {, llaplc EIII l}rlrrc. IIEIR.}II8 ?O IITBr oartons to takc hoc. frc la to bc ea old FISHING FOP A OF 'moal in tJre parL, arc urgcd forrcd rlvoo orgaulzatlon, will bo oclllng oakos and plcs for dossert. Tho hlgh}.lght of thc Bar-BQ wll} bc th6 rafflc of 5fi) sguaro feot of conorotc. Tho ooaor+tc oaa be urcd f a drlvarray, patlo, cto. Orly 3O0 tlokctr r11I bc eold for thc rafflcr to rcscrvo a tlokct, orntrot Chalmaa Bob foa3ran et 385-58I0. Thc Jayoccttce, ucrly WHOP A DEAL 01{ THAT '83 FtIRlI Ihen core on orer to the right spot...BUSS F0R0 Sl[ES-.. fhere ereryone is getting the Lirit, and going hore rith sorething to brag about" UC EEI{RY COUilTY FAIB OFEXS Thursday, lr. 11 thc IoHonry County Falr rlII opoo at iha falr grounds oa Bt. 47, Y?oodatook. I total of 9,2 4-Erors 1111 cxhlbtttng ln tlrc Eoo Eoonqloa Dlvo BUSS FORD SATES TEEllS TTB TTTTS -,1. : =...r' possible to rarrant And ri I I do allything i TU'[ UISIIESS i:: t ... Driae Safely 0et our offer and you'll ssg lor ,ourssll :hy IUSS F0n0 SIIES is ths oldcst rcl iabla Ford Dealer i IaIa tho lleals others talk about. n aI I of f,cllen ry Coun ty fe Stuy Aliae MAIN ST. MC HENRY, PHONE. 385- 2oOO l ITT.